Travis Clarke

Results 32 comments of Travis Clarke

The new patch will likely come towards the tail-end of the week. I have a solution in the pipeline that warrants more testing before finalization or release.

I am keeping this ticket open in case the fix @ [d6ca877]( is not the only issue. Please reference [v3.3.7](

@basawyer & @nopace – I would really like to get this patched and integrated into [v4]( @basawyer – any luck on your end with a patch? I just started on...

@basawyer / @nopace – these `rowspan`/`colspan` edge cases should now be fixed as of [`v5.0.0-rc.1`]( If this is not the case, can you please send me a sample **`html` structure**...

@wo00421309 – thanks for the `html` snippet. Let me take a look before working on a solution.

@wo00421309 – cell merging is the next feature I'd like to introduce. In this case it looks like the `rowspan` ordering needs to be tracked correctly so the shift you...

@wo00421309 – [`v5.0.0-rc.3`]( applies the appropriate fixes to resolve the aforementioned `rowspan`/`colspan` issues such as the one you highlighted. As far as *cell merge* functionality goes, assuming that there aren't...

Multiple consecutive `colspan` is still broken. Thanks to @dulguun00 for pointing this out. Expect this to be fixed soon.

[`v5.0.0-rc.6`]( presents dramatic improvements to this `rowspan` / `colspan` bug, effectively resolving this issue for *most* table constructs. There are a *few* exceptions where the `RowColMap` algorithm does break down....

@soapej – All else equal, the syntax you presented should work fine, as long as the variable holds the value of the column you want to ignore when `tableExport` is...