@soranoba didn't work for me either. @aafarian I think there's an issue with the version of metro packaged with the latest RN Upgrade. I just installed locally in dev metro...
Hi @woffu , great work, thanks for the PR! That PR has been open for months and there is no update, I need to do the same fix for iOS...
@NuclearKev I am working on a fix for iOS, should come very shortly.
I have opened a PR here: It looks ok on my side, if you could do some testing, that would be great. Thanks
@NuclearKev Great. Thanks for the help on Android as well. That should probably be documented?
@NuclearKev How to add the Headless function, it's not obvious until you find that open issue. In the Readme, I guess.
@xoapit @NuclearKev I doubt you need to add anything additional? It's already included in that lib's index.js: Should work out of the box, as long as your listeners are...
I have merged, as Android was not working in the background. And that PR hasn't been merged for months. It should now be fully working for both Android &...
I am using OnePlus 7 Pro with Android 10, but I am pretty sure we had the same issue with a Galaxy S8, I will confirm. Thanks.
@OleksandrKucherenko I believe it does block the UI because all the internal function are `synchronized` and when the main thread tries to call `getGenericPassword` it waits for the background thread...