Stanislav Bushuev
Stanislav Bushuev
@Dreamsorcerer, this PR for preparing to new release from [this]( TODO list. Could you check it?
@Dreamsorcerer, could you check [572]( It's for the last checkbox :)
> @citramon Use > > ``` > aiocache > aioredis>=1.3, ``` > > in your **requirements.txt** as a temporary fix. > > aiocache is unmaintained and I do not think...
In this case it doesn't work with JsonSerializer too: ``` from aiocache.serializers import JsonSerializer cache = Cache(Cache.MEMORY, serializer=JsonSerializer()) loop.run_until_complete(cache.set("a", 1)) True loop.run_until_complete(cache.get("a")) 1 loop.run_until_complete(cache.increment("a")) 2 loop.run_until_complete(cache.get("a")) Traceback (most recent call...