Craig Ingram
Craig Ingram
That makes the max cache ~4GB which is not nearly big enough for any application. Is there a reason a uint32 was used for this setting? Does simply making it...
[Project board link]( Reaper version 1.44 C* version 3.9.0 We have a C* setup with 2 DCs (one in us-south and one in us-east). We're running reaper as described in...
Given that there are multiple PRs ready to be merged that haven't been merged (one of them a security fix), it is looking like this project is no longer being...
Varnish-modules seem to be the main issue here. I'm having to build them from source and don't think I have them working with Varnish yet (haven't tested yet but not...
Still a WIP - [ ] Add appropriate liveness/readiness checks - [x] Automatically send SIGHUP to haproxy process when haproxy.cfg is updated (watch CM in controller?) - [x] Add dashboard...
There are a lot of different ways to handle this. One way is to setup an external nginx deployment that handles SSL, but this will introduce another hop. In order...
### Description Moved from alpine to ubuntu and temurin JDK Running gatling and report-viewer as a `gatling` user instead of `root` Added awscli, ngninx, unzip, and curl dependencies Added report-viewer.yaml,...
It would be nice to have a way to view merged reports. For example, a deployment that pulls down the results in the s3 bucket (or `rclone`), runs ` -ro`,...
This will be helpful for developers working on Spark core or connectors.