gatling-operator copied to clipboard
Report Viewer Starting Point
Moved from alpine to ubuntu and temurin JDK
Running gatling and report-viewer as a gatling
user instead of root
Added awscli, ngninx, unzip, and curl dependencies
Added report-viewer.yaml, which defines a configmap for nginx.conf and report-viewer deployment/service
Should the gatling and report-viewer images be separate images? I would imagine the report viewer should really have its own CRD and be managed by the operator. I just saw this as a quick alternative. I also should have looked into using rclone
instead of the awscli. This is by no means considered done, I just wanted to submit the PR and get feedback. Thanks for creating this operator!
Port-forward to the report-viewer
kpf $(kgp -l app=report-viewer --no-headers -o custom-columns="") 8088
Please check if applicable
- [ ] Tests have been added (if applicable, ie. when operator codes are added or modified)
- [ ] Relevant docs have been added or modified (if applicable, ie. when new features are added or current features are modified)
Resolves #73