Ciaran Walsh

Results 6 comments of Ciaran Walsh

Thank you for the suggestion. I think you make a good point As we are styling the base semantic elements it is indeed important to provide a measure to remove...

Bonsai utilities are intended for inline use via the style attribute. I am not sure if there is a use case for your example. In such a case you would...

Initially, I wanted to avoid having too many variables however in hindsight this is possibly unavoidable. How would you feel about applying color with the following (currently will not work...

Hey @yvesh Yes that makes sense. We have a variable for the base color so stand to reason to also include them for size, weight and line-height. 👍

Hello Try also adding the inline styling to your figcaption tag... ``` When Layla appears, she brings an eternal summer along. ```

> The author @ciar4n of the attribute agreed to replace the attribute name. Not exactly true 😄 ... I just said I wasn't going to apply your suggestion to a...