Chuigda WhiteGive

Results 26 issues of Chuigda WhiteGive

原文地址 变更内容: * 略微修改了程序源代码 * 变更了编译器诊断信息的格式 * 新增了一小段关于Improperly reduced borrows的内容

According to this `old_renderer` may be `nullptr`, but in WebRTC side code: ![图片]( And this could cause WebRTC `SIGABRT`. ![图片]( ![图片]( ![图片]( Fixing this problem, I think, could be...

我曾在学习编译原理时借鉴了jackc的一些源代码,所以现在我想尽一点微薄之力做一点小小的工作,大致包括 - 将Makefile替换为cmake,重新整理目录结构 - 代码格式化 - 将源代码由GBK编码转换为UTF-8编码 - 将一些原本使用传值的地方改用传引用 - 完善jackc的文档 - 其他工作

I was writing a 3D model puppeteering program based on OpenSeeFace. It seems that the documentation of the UDP protocol is somewhat missing. I made [my personal "summary"]( according to...

众所周知,“函数”(function)和“方法”(method)之间存在一定关联。并且我建议把“抓手”留给句柄(handle)类型,在以后做FFI的时候用。 As is widely acknowledged, "function" has some relation with "method", which in turn translates into "方法". And I suggest using "抓手" for handle types, to be used for foreign...


C: invalid
I: wontfix

An intermediate level IR is indeed required for implementing certain good analysis such as #6. Furthermore, it will be xtremely funny.

C: feature
P: medium-priority
E: hard
A: ir

This resolves #39

C: feature
P: low-priority
A: engine
K: al31f
X: experimental
A: data-repr