Christian Pinedo
Christian Pinedo
Inconsistent parsing of timeclock and timedot files complicates the use of a budget. - Any value of timeclock files are parsed as hours ("h"): ``` # file: time.timeclock i 2022/08/01...
**CPod version:** 1.27.1 **Description:** In the subscriptions tab we can go inside the details of every podcast. Inside the details of one podcast there is button to "mark all as...
Example file: ``` 2021/01/01 * Buy stocks Assests:Stocks 25 AMZN @ 10$ ; [2021/01/05] Assests:Savings ``` The lot date is the transaction date, however it should be post date: ```...
It seems that virtual posts are not shown with related. Example: ``` 2021/01/01 * Init Assets:Bank 1000.00 EUR Equity 2021/01/01 * Savings for new car [Assets:Savings:Car] 500.00 EUR [Assets:Bank] ```...
It seems that automated transactions are not shown with "--related" option. Example file: ``` = /^Income:Interests/ Income:Interests 0.2346 Expenses:Taxes -0.2346 2019/11/9 Interests Assets:Checking $20 Income:Interests ``` Automatic transaction works right:...
It seems that "--effective" option doesn't work with lots. Example file: ``` 2019/10/20 Buy of shares Assets:Stocks 10 AAPL @@ 50.00 EUR Assets:Stocks 10 AAPL @@ 55.00 EUR ; [=2019/10/21]...
The output of :Balance for one account converts every commodity to the default commodity: `Cleared or pending: 3000 EUR Cleared: 2000 EUR` I think that the balance should provide the...
Hello, I wanted to share with you that I found a workaround to use this image with RHEL8 and I would like to share with you just in case it...
**Describe the bug** "album artists" separated by commas are not splited and all of them are considered like one unique artist. For classical works, firstly writers must be detailed. Semicolons...
The tab of "started tasks" is good view to see which tasks you can begin to work with. However, the tasks without an start date are not displayed. I would...