@djd1983 It has been decoded (Status00), see here: ``` *r,,,,,,"B511",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, r,,Status00,,,,,00,S00_SupplyTemp,,temp,,,,WaterPressure,,UCH,10,bar,,S00_CompressorModulation,,percent1,,,,CompressorState,,UCH,0=off;1=Heating Prerun;4=Heating;5=Heating Overrun;24=Hot Water;110=Defrosting,,,HeatingState,,UCH,8=off;9=Heating,,,field6,,UCH,,,,Defrost,,UCH,0=inactive;32=active,,,S00_CompressorPower,,percent1,,, ```
> -what ist the supply temp? It is the current (measured) flow temp of the supply, i.e. the temp the water is heated to by the heat pump > -For...
@djd1983 In my case the flow temps of 'Status00' and 'Status01' are identical, just polled at different intervals (1 min vs. ~15 mins) that's why there are differences sometimes. If...
@djd1983 OK... a gas boiler. I'm more familiar with heat pumps, so I'm probably not the right person to help... However, for gas boiler systems you should consider also the...
Found it (for VRC720): (edit: these registers do not seem to work for the VRC700, someone whould try to find them e.g. by logging ebus traffic between internet gateway and...
Ich hatte das gleiche Problem, habe aber einen anderen Regler (VRC720). Ich lese die Werte des Solarkreises alle aus dem Regler aus. Könnte auch beim VRC700 (15.700.csv) funktionieren. Kollektorfühler ist...
Welche Werte willst Du denn abfragen? Solarertrag lese ich auch aus dem Regler aus. Probier mal, ob es bei Dir nicht auch geht durch folgende Definition in der CSV vom...