ebusd-configuration copied to clipboard
B511 message not yet decoded?
After many years I recompiled a local version of ebusd and noted that it now supported an remote configuration from http://cfg.ebusd.eu/. So decided to give it a try,
Noticed that the B511 message has still not yet been formally decoded and nor is my Vaillant boiler added to the list, which is why the defaults are loaded.
Can my boiler be included in the common files? And the definition for the B511 message?
ebusctl info
version: ebusd 21.3.v21.3-135-g29e9633
update check: revision v21.3 available
device: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_FT232R_USB_UART_A9M9DV3R-if00-port0
access: *
signal: acquired
symbol rate: 62
max symbol rate: 133
min arbitration micros: 111
max arbitration micros: 212
min symbol latency: 5
max symbol latency: 6
reconnects: 0
masters: 3
messages: 227
conditional: 3
poll: 0
update: 11
address 03: master #11
address 08: slave #11, scanned "MF=Vaillant;ID=BAI00;SW=0518;HW=7401", loaded "vaillant/bai.308523.inc" ([HW=7401]), "vaillant/08.bai.csv"
address 31: master #8, ebusd
address 36: slave #8, ebusd
address 64: slave, scanned "MF=Vaillant;ID=V6500;SW=0007;HW=8301", loaded "vaillant/64.v65.csv"
address 7f: master #24
address 84: slave #24, scanned "MF=Vaillant;ID=OTS00;SW=0205;HW=9101"
ebusctl scan result
ebusctl grab result
7f08b5110100 / 08f803ff22040f0081 = 690
The closest configuration I have for the B511 message which I used to use locally was.
r,,FlowTempStatus,Status Heizkreis,,,,00,FlowTemp,,temp,,,,WaterPressure,,UCH,10,bar,,unknown4,,UCH,,,,Status,,UCH,,,,Fan,,BI0,1=Fan,,,Gas1,,BI1,1=Gas1,,,Gas2,,BI2,1=Gas2,,,HcPump,,BI3,1=HcPump,,,HwcPump1,,BI4,1=HwcPump1,,,HwcPump2,,BI5,1=HwcPump2,,,Ignition,,BI6,1=Ignition,,,Bit7,,BI7,1=Bit7,,,ErrorStatus,,UCH,,,,HcDemand,,BI0,1=HcDemand,,,BlockTime,,BI1,1=BlockTime,,,Bit2,,BI2,1=Bit2,,,Bit3,,BI3,1=Bit3,,,Bit4,,BI4,1=Bit4,,,Bit5,,BI5,1=Bit5,,,Bit6,,BI6,1=Bit6,,,HwcDemand,,BI7,1=HwcDemand,,
Is there are a way to supplement the remote configuration files with a local configuration file for a single message that isn't being decoded by the remote ones?
That should work with the include option. I am not sure if there is a combination possible local and remote using the include option.
Hi there, this is my first contribution on git hub and I hope I can offer a little progress regarding this issue.
I found out that there was one Massage 1008B5110100 is not decoded in my system and in the hcmode.inc. After some trys and errors I thought about, that there is one more "StatusChain" than Status 01 (B5110101) or Status02 (B5110102).
So when i type
ebusctl hex 08B5110100 i geht the following strings as periodically bradcast, one time in a minute
So for a better overview I manipulated the hcmode.inc with the additional Entry
After that I recorded, for an half an hour, the results and thats what it is:
18.02.2024 13:51:54(-60.27 seconds) b4;02;13;26;04;0f;00;81
18.02.2024 13:50:54(-60.08 seconds) af;02;13;26;04;0f;00;81
18.02.2024 13:49:54(-60.07 seconds) a5;02;13;26;04;0f;00;81
18.02.2024 13:48:55(-59.07 seconds) 9a;02;13;26;04;0f;00;81
18.02.2024 13:47:54(-60.1 seconds) 8b;02;13;26;04;0f;00;81
18.02.2024 13:46:54(-60.26 seconds) 7d;02;13;26;04;0f;00;81
18.02.2024 13:45:54(-60.25 seconds) 6c;02;13;26;04;0f;00;81
18.02.2024 13:44:54(-60.37 seconds) 6e;02;13;26;04;0f;00;81
18.02.2024 13:43:54(-59.11 seconds) 6c;02;13;26;04;0f;00;81
18.02.2024 13:42:49(-65.09 seconds) c1;02;13;26;04;0f;00;81
18.02.2024 13:41:54(-55.22 seconds) 39;03;13;00;00;08;00;81
18.02.2024 13:40:49(-65.22 seconds) af;04;13;55;18;3f;00;80
18.02.2024 13:39:49(-60.07 seconds) af;04;13;5a;18;3f;00;80
18.02.2024 13:38:49(-59.37 seconds) b1;04;13;5e;18;3f;00;80
18.02.2024 13:37:49(-60.26 seconds) af;04;13;65;18;3f;00;80
18.02.2024 13:36:49(-60.35 seconds) aa;04;13;6a;18;3f;00;80
18.02.2024 13:35:49(-60.27 seconds) bd;04;13;90;18;3f;00;80
18.02.2024 13:34:49(-59.36 seconds) 3a;04;12;c8;18;3f;00;80
18.02.2024 13:33:49(-60.36 seconds) 85;02;10;8c;17;76;00;80
18.02.2024 13:32:49(-60.16 seconds) 80;02;0f;00;08;00;00;83
18.02.2024 13:31:49(-60.13 seconds) 85;02;10;00;08;00;00;83
18.02.2024 13:30:48(-60.16 seconds) 8f;02;12;00;07;08;00;83
18.02.2024 13:29:49(-59.34 seconds) 9a;02;12;00;07;08;00;83
18.02.2024 13:28:49(-60.37 seconds) a5;02;12;00;07;08;00;83
18.02.2024 13:27:48(-60.26 seconds) af;02;12;00;07;08;00;83
18.02.2024 13:26:44(-64.36 seconds) 0c;03;12;00;07;08;00;83
18.02.2024 13:25:44(-60.36 seconds) 1e;03;12;26;04;0f;00;81
18.02.2024 13:24:44(-60.17 seconds) 12;03;12;26;04;0f;00;81
18.02.2024 13:23:43(-60.18 seconds) 03;03;12;26;04;0f;00;81
18.02.2024 13:22:44(-59.08 seconds) f0;02;12;26;04;0f;00;81
18.02.2024 13:21:44(-60.3 seconds) e4;02;12;26;04;0f;00;81
18.02.2024 13:20:44(-60.21 seconds) de;02;12;26;04;0f;00;81
18.02.2024 13:19:44(-60.08 seconds) 7e;02;12;00;02;08;00;81
18.02.2024 13:18:44(-60.13 seconds) 69;02;0f;00;08;00;00;83
18.02.2024 13:17:43(-60.16 seconds) 6c;02;0f;00;08;00;00;83
18.02.2024 13:16:43(-60.13 seconds) 6e;02;0f;00;08;00;00;83
18.02.2024 13:15:44(-59.22 seconds) 70;02;0f;00;08;00;00;83
18.02.2024 13:14:44(-60.21 seconds) 73;02;0f;00;08;00;00;83
18.02.2024 13:13:44(-60.22 seconds) 76;02;0f;00;08;00;00;83
18.02.2024 13:12:43(-60.21 seconds) 7b;02;10;00;08;00;00;83
18.02.2024 13:11:44(-59.22 seconds) 86;02;12;00;07;08;00;83
18.02.2024 13:10:39(-65.41 seconds) 92;02;12;00;07;08;00;83
18.02.2024 13:09:38(-60.36 seconds) a2;02;12;00;07;08;00;83
18.02.2024 13:08:39(-59.36 seconds) af;02;12;00;07;08;00;83
18.02.2024 13:07:39(-60.31 seconds) 1e;03;12;00;07;08;00;83
18.02.2024 13:06:38(-60.31 seconds) 1e;03;12;26;04;0f;00;81
18.02.2024 13:05:38(-60.21 seconds) 15;03;12;26;04;0f;00;81
18.02.2024 13:04:39(-59.17 seconds) 0a;03;12;26;04;0f;00;81
18.02.2024 13:03:39(-60.12 seconds) fb;02;12;26;04;0f;00;81
18.02.2024 13:02:39(-60.18 seconds) ee;02;12;26;04;0f;00;81
18.02.2024 13:01:38(-60.35 seconds) e3;02;12;26;04;0f;00;81
18.02.2024 13:00:39(-59.36 seconds) e6;02;12;26;04;0f;00;81
18.02.2024 12:59:39(-60.27 seconds) 76;02;0f;00;08;00;00;83
18.02.2024 12:58:39(-60.26 seconds) 76;02;0f;00;08;00;00;83
18.02.2024 12:57:38(-60.22 seconds) 78;02;0f;00;08;00;00;83
18.02.2024 12:56:38(-60.17 seconds) 79;02;0f;00;08;00;00;83
18.02.2024 12:55:39(-59.09 seconds) 7d;02;0f;00;08;00;00;83
18.02.2024 12:54:39(-60.34 seconds) 80;02;0f;00;08;00;00;83
18.02.2024 12:53:38(-60.4 seconds) 83;02;0f;00;08;00;00;83
18.02.2024 12:52:39(-59.37 seconds) 8b;02;12;00;07;08;00;83
18.02.2024 12:51:34(-65.4 seconds) 95;02;12;00;07;08;00;83
18.02.2024 12:50:33(-60.37 seconds) 9c;02;12;00;07;08;00;83
18.02.2024 12:49:34(-59.35 seconds) a1;02;12;00;07;08;00;83
18.02.2024 12:48:34(-60.23 seconds) c2;02;12;00;07;08;00;83
18.02.2024 12:47:33(-60.17 seconds) 23;03;12;26;04;0f;00;81
18.02.2024 12:46:33(-60.36 seconds) 0f;03;12;26;04;0f;00;81
18.02.2024 12:45:34(-59.36 seconds) 00;03;12;26;04;0f;00;81
18.02.2024 12:44:33(-60.36 seconds) ee;02;12;26;04;0f;00;81
18.02.2024 12:43:33(-60.36 seconds) c7;02;12;26;04;0f;00;81
18.02.2024 12:42:34(-59.36 seconds) 79;02;0f;00;08;00;00;83
18.02.2024 12:41:33(-60.26 seconds) 79;02;0f;00;08;00;00;83
18.02.2024 12:40:33(-60.31 seconds) 7b;02;0f;00;08;00;00;83
18.02.2024 12:39:34(-59.21 seconds) 7e;02;0f;00;08;00;00;83
18.02.2024 12:38:33(-60.4 seconds) 82;02;0f;00;08;00;00;83
18.02.2024 12:37:33(-60.36 seconds) 85;02;0f;00;08;00;00;83
18.02.2024 12:36:34(-59.35 seconds) 88;02;10;00;08;00;00;83
18.02.2024 12:35:28(-65.43 seconds) 90;02;13;00;07;08;00;83
18.02.2024 12:34:28(-60.21 seconds) 95;02;13;00;07;08;00;83
18.02.2024 12:33:29(-59.23 seconds) 9f;02;13;00;07;08;00;83
18.02.2024 12:32:29(-60.3 seconds) a5;02;13;00;07;08;00;83
18.02.2024 12:31:28(-60.28 seconds) ee;02;13;00;07;08;00;83
18.02.2024 12:30:28(-60.12 seconds) 19;03;13;26;04;0f;00;81
18.02.2024 12:29:29(-59.36 seconds) 08;03;13;26;04;0f;00;81
18.02.2024 12:28:29(-60.31 seconds) f6;02;13;26;04;0f;00;81
18.02.2024 12:27:28(-60.36 seconds) ee;02;13;26;04;0f;00;81
18.02.2024 12:26:28(-60.26 seconds) 7b;02;0f;00;08;00;00;83
18.02.2024 12:25:29(-59.22 seconds) 7b;02;0f;00;08;00;00;83
18.02.2024 12:24:28(-60.36 seconds) 7b;02;0f;00;08;00;00;83
18.02.2024 12:23:28(-60.13 seconds) 7d;02;0f;00;08;00;00;83
18.02.2024 12:22:28(-60.31 seconds) 80;02;10;00;08;00;00;83
18.02.2024 12:21:29(-59.41 seconds) 83;02;10;00;08;00;00;83
18.02.2024 12:20:23(-65.41 seconds) 86;02;10;00;08;00;00;83
18.02.2024 12:19:23(-60.17 seconds) 8d;02;13;00;07;08;00;83
18.02.2024 12:18:24(-59.22 seconds) 95;02;13;00;07;08;00;83
18.02.2024 12:17:23(-60.36 seconds) 9d;02;13;00;07;08;00;83
18.02.2024 12:16:23(-60.37 seconds) a4;02;13;00;07;08;00;83
18.02.2024 12:15:24(-59.31 seconds) c9;02;13;00;07;08;00;83
18.02.2024 12:14:24(-60.12 seconds) 23;03;13;26;04;0f;00;81
18.02.2024 12:13:23(-60.13 seconds) 0f;03;13;26;04;0f;00;81
The first four Bytes seem to be somethin like counting up and down. If the first Byte finished counting to "ff" for example, than the second byte changes from "02" to "03" and so on. The last Byte seems to be always "81", "83"
Maybe there is someone who can interprete the data into some heatinglanguage :)
@djd1983 It has been decoded (Status00), see here: https://github.com/john30/ebusd-configuration/pull/330#issuecomment-1859292111
r,,Status00,,,,,00,S00_SupplyTemp,,temp,,,,WaterPressure,,UCH,10,bar,,S00_CompressorModulation,,percent1,,,,CompressorState,,UCH,0=off;1=Heating Prerun;4=Heating;5=Heating Overrun;24=Hot Water;110=Defrosting,,,HeatingState,,UCH,8=off;9=Heating,,,field6,,UCH,,,,Defrost,,UCH,0=inactive;32=active,,,S00_CompressorPower,,percent1,,,
@djd1983 It has been decoded (Status00), see here: #330 (comment)
*r,,,,,,"B511",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, r,,Status00,,,,,00,S00_SupplyTemp,,temp,,,,WaterPressure,,UCH,10,bar,,S00_CompressorModulation,,percent1,,,,CompressorState,,UCH,0=off;1=Heating Prerun;4=Heating;5=Heating Overrun;24=Hot Water;110=Defrosting,,,HeatingState,,UCH,8=off;9=Heating,,,field6,,UCH,,,,Defrost,,UCH,0=inactive;32=active,,,S00_CompressorPower,,percent1,,,
Ah great thank u. But some questions because I think I have to customize this code for my system: -what ist the supply temp? -For What kind of compressor are the Numbers for field 3, 4 and 8?
-what ist the supply temp?
It is the current (measured) flow temp of the supply, i.e. the temp the water is heated to by the heat pump
-For What kind of compressor are the Numbers for field 3, 4 and 8?
Arotherm (split) heat pump compressor, supposed to work also with monoblock machines. The compressor modulation is also given in the 'Live Menu' of the display, the compressor power (or load, in %) relates to the bar on the left of the hydraulic station display (if present).
Where ist the difference between the flowTemp in Status01, first number, and the flowTemp of Status00, first Number?
Sometimes they are not very close so that u cant assume, that this is the same function....
And I dont know why I have some data for an compressor, because I haven't one.
version: ebusd update check: OK, broadcast.csv: different version available, memory.csv: different version available, vaillant/08.bai.csv: different version available, vaillant/15.b7v.csv: different version available, vaillant/bai.0010015600.inc: different version available, vaillant/broadcast.csv: different version available, vaillant/errors.inc: different version available, vaillant/general.csv: different version available, vaillant/hcmode.inc: different version available device: /dev/ttyAMA0, serial high speed, enhanced, firmware 1.1[8419].2[73c8] signal: acquired symbol rate: 24 max symbol rate: 123 min arbitration micros: 4 max arbitration micros: 6 min symbol latency: 4 max symbol latency: 4 scan: finished reconnects: 0 masters: 3 messages: 558 conditional: 2 poll: 0 update: 10 address 03: master #11 address 08: slave #11, scanned "MF=Vaillant;ID=BAI00;SW=0609;HW=5502", loaded "vaillant/bai.0010015600.inc" ([PROD='0010019267']), "vaillant/08.bai.csv" address 10: master #2 address 15: slave #2, scanned "MF=Vaillant;ID=B7V00;SW=0422;HW=5503", loaded "vaillant/15.b7v.csv" address 31: master #8, ebusd address 36: slave #8, ebusd address 52: slave, scanned "MF=Vaillant;ID=VR_70;SW=0109;HW=2903", loaded "vaillant/52.vr_70.csv"
@djd1983 In my case the flow temps of 'Status00' and 'Status01' are identical, just polled at different intervals (1 min vs. ~15 mins) that's why there are differences sometimes. If you superimpose them graphically you can check this better than comparing just the values.
And I dont know why I have some data for an compressor, because I haven't one.
Good point... :-) so if you have a gas boiler they will probably represent some other value? I can only speak for the Arotherm heat pumps. It's alway good to visualize them to figure out what they could mean.
It's alway good to visualize them to figure out what they could mean
I hope the following graphic will help:
In Status00 there are 7 fields. The first and the second one are the same like in ur config. FlowTemp and waterPressure. The next fields are like u see documentated. Feld = Field :) Additional to this, I inserted the lines green = returntemp orange = FlowTemp violett = Temp of Water in watertank
Some things were noticable: Field 6 has obvious no function Field 3 (blue) is maybe something like the amount of power? Because, as the temp of the water in the tank drops to 45°C(see violettt graphic) , the line went from 0 to 199 fast. After the heating was constant, the power decends slowly to minimum of the necessary amount. (I hope I interprete this understandable)
Have fun and thank you :P
The brightblue line -field7- seems to be something that indicates night and day mode. It turns from Daymode, always periodically from 129 to 131, at 22h to night mode, where it switches periodically between 1 and 3
@djd1983 OK... a gas boiler. I'm more familiar with heat pumps, so I'm probably not the right person to help...
However, for gas boiler systems you should consider also the parameters mentioned in the top post regarding:
gas, fans, pumps, ignition...
- field 3: yes, seems to be power related... (numerical value, UCH)
- field 4: a numerical (decimal) status code (UCH) (for the different states of the heater, have to be decoded)
- field 5: binary status info of several boiler components (bit0 = Fan, bit1 = Gas1, bit2 = Gas2, bit4 = HcPump etc. (see below, I think the spike is the activation of the Hwc pump(s)
- field 6: numerical (decimal) error status (UCH), always 0 in your case, so no error I guess...
- field 7: several binary-encoded states concerning Hc/Hcw demand, activation of time programs (BlockTime?)
So I learned, 'Status00' is quite different for the different heating systems. Sorry for not being more helpful... :-)
Sorry for not being more helpful... :-)
u were very helpful. thank u for ur information :) I think studying, trying and connect to each other and talking about different issues are part of this big ebusd project. And ur details will help me to get the right values. :)
I will report when I found out more for my systemconfig.