Christian Chown

Results 12 comments of Christian Chown

Hello @rgbkrk I have achieved something like this using an HTML parser on the HtmlRenderer output: (using ``` import htmlparser from 'htmlparser2' import commonmark from 'commonmark' const simplified =...

(also: `clearAction` is defined, but not used in the machine)?

What are your thoughts of putting the boolean context items in parallel states, as in

Hello. NativeAnimatedHelper is not mocked by default; I got rid of this warning by adding a `jest.mock('NativeAnimatedHelper');` in my jest setup file.

2021 update - a working fix for me now is `jest.mock('react-native/Libraries/Animated/NativeAnimatedHelper');`

I found that notifications stopped working for me after I upgraded my phone to Android 8.0 Passing a `channel` (string) through as part of the `custom_notification` block made my notifications...

I just noticed I don't have a `default_notification_channel_id` - I should probably add one. I've also set up my project for local notifications as specified in I send notifications...

You will see this error if the native module is not compiled and linked correctly. Make sure that you have these lines - android\settings.gradle - `include ':react-native-fcm'` and - `project(':react-native-fcm').projectDir...

Try the following (android\build.gradle) add `googlePlayServicesVersion` to your `ext` block (or create an `ext` block): ``` ext { buildToolsVersion = .... .... googlePlayServicesVersion = "15.0.1" } ``` (android\app\build.gradle) tell your...

To see the dependency tree of libraries in your application, use: ``` cd android gradlew app:dependencies ``` In amongst the noise you'll see entries like ``` +--- project :react-native-fcm |...