Christian O'Reilly

Results 14 comments of Christian O'Reilly

This issue is a definitive no-go for me (and I suspect many others), since any significantly complex analysis pipeline will start involving writing functions that you want to reuse from...

@thanosDelatolas @mcpiastra Did you make some progress on this topic or did you drop the matter? I love MNE-Python, but I think the lack of an easy path for FEM-based...

After more investigations, I guess that PYBIDS does structure its layout as a tree structure which would have to be accessed like this `layout_object.derivatives['dSPM'].derivatives["PLI"]`. I think that an example of...

@effigies Thanks. It seems like a good start. @tyarkoni Why not in bids/ instead of a new utilities module?

I had to delete any use of `lru_cache` in my local copy to avoid the memory exploding to unreasonable values (above 64 GB). Even deletion of the objects and explicit...

Any objections to adding xarray in the requirements.txt? I am working on a different PR related to this I'd used xarray in that PR, but that would need adding...

@agramfort Yes, I agree that adding dependencies must not be a rash decision. Some thoughts on that: 1 - The XArray export functionality would require importing XArray. You were thinking...

@larsoner You mean to document the cube marching + laplacian smoothing + decimation approach and the FS tessellation approach? I should be able at least to provide an initial PR....

@larsoner Ok, sure, I'll get to it right away else it will never happen.

@larsoner To clarify, the code I have is to get from a voxelized BEM solution to BEM surfaces through marching cube + laplacian filtering + mesh repairs. I don't have...