Chris Billington

Results 19 issues of Chris Billington

When gnome-shell is configured to have workspaces spanning monitors, the extension correctly shows the space that the extra monitors take up, but does not show previews of the windows on...

The wrapper script just sets `LD_PRELOAD`. Document that so long as `LD_PRELOAD` is set, the wrapper script is not necessary. This allows `gil_load` to be used in web servers and...

When printing per-thread info, print the Python thread name, if it exists, and the OS thread name, if it exists.

Nautilus doesn't ask the extension for new icons often enough, seemingly even if files are changing on disk. This might be a bug in Nautilus, and if so should be...

I'm using `setup-miniconda` for a part of my workflow with default settings: ```yaml - name: Install Miniconda uses: conda-incubator/setup-miniconda@v2 with: auto-update-conda: true ``` At the moment this gets me a...


When using the wlr-foreign-toplevel-management-unstable-v1 protocol to obtain the initial details of all toplevels, [wlroots sends]( the client events for title, app_id, and state. However, it doesn't send an output_enter event....

(fontspec 2.5c, luatex 0.95, xetex 3.14159265-2.6-0.99996) The following example: ```latex \documentclass{report} \usepackage{unicode-math} \setmathfont[range=cal,Contextuals=Swash]{MinionPro-It} \begin{document} $\mathcal{F}$ \end{document} ``` Gives this result in xelatex: ![f_xelatex]( But this in lualatex: ![f_lualatex]( I am...

This is a draft for addressing issue #10. I likely don't have the C chops to contribute much to wlroots' code (though I might try), but maybe I can talk...

Would be good to be able to zoom in and out, i.e. scale icon sizes (but not text) in all views via ctrl-scroll wheel, ctrl +/- and a GUI slider...


I was dissatisfied with the speed of zeromq curve encryption, until I noticed that it appears to vary by an order of magnitude across different ways of installing pyzmq. This...