Christian Hudon
Christian Hudon
This is definitely not in scope is hyperfine's goal is to be just a replacement for `time`, but the thing I most wish for when using time to benchmark programs...
When doing a gradual migration from another enterprise communication solution to Mattermost, for example, users will come onboard to Mattermost at different dates. Some will be early adopters, and others...
I get the following backtrace when trying to to a `gl commit` on a repository. Not sure exactly what triggers the error, but `gl status` reports a mix of added,...
Branch for the rest of the work required to make patsy pickles work well. At a high level, we need to implement `__getstate__` and `__setstate__` for relevant classes (easy), and...
Given that patsy is dropping support for Python 2.6 in the next release, it might be a good time to drop support for other old pieces of software, like Pandas...
Hi. Thanks for writing benepar. The web rendering demo is super useful for visualizing sentence structure. It'd be lovely if it was made available as something like `benepar.render()` (inspired from...
Having Linux `perf` available for the linuxkit Linux VM for would be very helpful to troubleshoot performance problems in containers on MacOS. It would be lovely if it was compiled...
When Privacy Badger is active, the embedded Google Maps at this page is blocked from loading: This is because (for me) is blocked completely by Privacy Badger on...
Hi. FYI, the [leaderboard]( referenced in the README is currently down, with a "Connection refused" error from the browser.
The CMake Tools design for variants is overall very nice. However, for the project I'm working on (Apache Arrow), it's kind of impractical. Arrow has a _lot_ of [optional components](