Chris Coyier

Results 32 issues of Chris Coyier

I wonder if this should just trigger the focus event despite if the browser supports it or not. Let's say you rely on that focus event to, say, change the...

Hey ya'll -- I tried to do this a while back as well but mine is way ghetto: I'm thinking multiple backgrounds should be pretty easy to test for,...

The reason I ultimately gave up on mine was that selectors are way harder to remove than properties and values. Ultimately it would be cool if this could negate selectors......

```js const {a=1, b=2} = {a:2}; ``` To esprima ([link]( returns the correct AST. Back to JS through escodegen: ``` const {a, b} = { a: 2 }; ``` Which...

There should be a way. :)


- [ ] Hasklig - [ ] FiraFlott - [ ] Iosevka - [ ] JuliaMono Not sure if it's a `font-feature-settings` thing or if we just need to re-make...

The process of adding a font is in the README: The list so far... - [x] Fira Code – - [x] FiraFlott - - [x] Operator Mono...

Little test case: - Safari 5.1 / Chrome 12 - must set boxShadowBlur to 200px to match 50px of blur set in CSS (Firefox 3.6 is fine, blur set...

``` table>tr>td>a ``` produces: ``` %table %tr %td%a{:href => ""} ``` which isn't quite right (the a should be nested too). It happens in CodeMirror Emmet, but also in Sublime...

Is there a way to build emmet.js without lodash being baked right into the file? Like lodash is already available globally so it just uses that? ## --- Want to...