Chris Coyier

Results 54 comments of Chris Coyier

no backgrounds

I would think gradients are a bit harder just because some dorkus might do like: ``` background-image: url(/images/-webkit-/linear/puppy.jpg); ``` So matching on keywords like "-webkit" would match that and remove...

Another background issue... If you have: ``` header { background: #333; background: rgba(0,0,0,0.8); } ``` deCSS3 will end up removing both, leaving a transparent background.

Sounds like a search for "-gradient" is best as that will catch linear and radial gradients (and conical in the future) as well as vendor prefixed versions.

That'd be ideal

Important fact: if **part** of a selector is invalid, the whole thing becomes invalid. ``` li:nth-last-child(2), strong { color: red; } ``` In a browser that doesn't support :nth-list-child, strongs...

That's perfect, and solves the IE 7 issue too.

Although, obviously, the selector needs to be: ``` RAPTOR:PANCAKE ```

I think it's just using the same font-size as all the rest of the demos. So that might be somewhat useful for comparison sake, but otherwise I agree, in actual...