Christopher Schmitt
Christopher Schmitt
Any news for this Feature? Its the only thing that prevents me from using monkey for my website :/
url.rewrite-if-not-file = ( "^/[^\?]_(\?._)?$" => "index.php/$1" ) for my laravel installation
This would be really nice because I really don't like having my stuff inside some 3rd party asset folders... But it should not stop on the prefab folder to be...
well they resident inside the Assets/Tiled2Unity/ Folder ... but all my game related stuff (sprites, materials, scripts) is inside Assets/_game/ folder ... I just prefer having the 3rd party stuff...
uhm... the "without" middlewear part isn't working correctly... I get an ugly `Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in .../vendor/slimcontroller/slimcontroller/src/SlimController/Slim.php on line 99` without the middleware closures...
``` php $app = new \SlimController\Slim([ 'debug' => true, 'controller.class_prefix' => '\\project\\controllers', 'controller.method_suffix' => 'Action', 'view' => new \Slim\Views\Twig(), 'templates.path' => '../app/views/' ]); $app->addRoutes(['/' => [ 'get' => ['xyzController:index'], 'post'...