Results 14 issues of chpio

Hi, if `browserField: false` (or implicitly `node: true`) is set, then the `browserify.transform` option of dependencies is ignored. In our case there is a ```json "browserify": { "transform": [ [...

Degraded user experience example when the user is just shown raw HTML content upon trying to "Import to IPFS" a web page. _(This is a part of meta-issue: **Mirroring Web...

help wanted

Hi, `ByJG\DbMigration\Database\SqliteDatabase#dropDatabase` ignores created views which causes errors if you're using the reset command on a database with views ("SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1 table my_view already exists").

hi, please add an option to expand all TRIGGER WARNINGS, also please make it (as a 2. option) to remove the text of the TRIGGER WARNING and the "toggle content"...

idea I've mentioned in that issue, that there could be a self contained "core" library without any external bindings, it would request all the needed data by some kind of...

help wanted

Hello, i've started developing a collection of [iobroker scripts](, but it seems that it's not possible to access the global functions (like `on`) from a `required` dependency, or am i...


Hi, is there already a best-practice regarding backward- and forward-compatibility for crdts? Say i want to persist some data (not a far-stretch in context of crdts) and i need to... which causes a panic if you do something like: ```rust use agnostik::prelude::*; use tokio::runtime::Runtime; fn main() { // see tokio docs for more methods to create a runtime let...

Hi, > A set of zero or more key:value Span Tags. The keys must be strings. The values may be strings, bools, or numeric types. > > -- ##...