Results 36 comments of chpio

getting a similar error for [this code]( ``` --> crdt-enc-tokio/src/ | 225 | ) -> Result { | _________________________________________________^ 226 | | async fn get_entry( 227 | | path: &Path,...

yeap, it really is useless for modals. @MitchEff do you have a workaround for that?

So this has been done 2 years ago and still not merged? How can one even consider a calling app without a missed call notification to be in any way...

Hallo, im getting the same behavior. my code: the babel config: [_babel-preset-es2015-rollup_]( is _babel-preset-es2015_ minus cjs transform plus external helpers i looked into the generated code and there...

sorry, should have posted it in #21 ps: it would be nice if it would use the _babel-runtime_ (if enabled) _Promise_ and not rely on a global _Promise_.

I have no idea what you meant by that. the babel-transform-runtime plugin converts all "Promise" into a ponyfill (namespaced/"localized" polyfill) which is loaded from the babel-runtime package. kneden is using...

> By placing the indicator inline, the layout of the conversation changes whenever the typing status changes. This is a problem if the user is reading previous messages while the...

i think, that's why [*serde_bytes*]( exist. > Without specialization, Rust forces Serde to treat &[u8] just like any other slice and Vec just like any other vector. In reality this...

> Keep multipart as the core crate, supporting client and server with an agnostic API, i.e... cool, i thought about that too, i had started a toy project for that...

> The issue with having legacy users "just use an old version" is that they won't get any performance improvements or bugfixes, or backwards-compatible API improvements, without an additional effort...