Chongyi Zheng

Results 6 issues of Chongyi Zheng

I want to disable the debug text messages (eg "KillUnitBtTag 46") when replaying SC2. Is it possible? ![Screenshot_2019-10-09_23-24-58](

I'm trying to compile a project with the `xtensor-io` library but I get an linking error as ``` usr/bin/ld: cannot find -l ``` I have already included ``` find_package(xtensor-io REQUIRED)...

The link in seems invalid. And are there any docs to describe how to reproduce benchmark results?

The paper only contains some of the discriminator hyperparameters ![image]( However, there are some other hyperparameters in the, for example ``` --discrim-decay true --discrim-online false --discrim-time-limit 32 ``` So...

Could you please provide the hyperparameters and instructions to learn options with RoboTurk dataset? By the way, where is the "SaywerViz" environment?