Chongyi Zheng

Results 10 comments of Chongyi Zheng

I have the same problem with python3.7.7 and vizdoom1.1.7, any update?

Thanks for your contribution! Would you please create a PR to document this in a markdown file? I will take a look and add a link to the file in...

Oh, sorry for that. Here are some details. I'm currently working on a ubuntu 18.04 LTS system. I have already installed `xtensor-io` library into the system when I compiled source...

@AboudyKreidieh Got it. Waiting for the update.

@jhejna Many thanks for the quick reply! 1. I found the name of PointMass_Low was PointMassLargeMJ_Low, and I just want to confirm it with you. 2. I trained a PointMaze_High...

Thanks for your feedback, @tanmayshankar! I will check the incoming updates, try to reproduce results in the paper, and report issues if any. Consider close this issue when a reproducible...

After reading your code, I find the implementation of variational network for termination prediction is not the same as the one described in the paper. So I have some questions...

@tanmayshankar Thanks for your reply. I will double-check the code. While I run the code with the commands in your, it produces gifs in the tensorboard logs. The variational...

I think it is located in `~/.ros/`.