
Results 28 comments of chetmurthy

Coming late to this conversation, but I thought I'd add that cmdliner's support for multiple subcommands is really useful, and if shell-completion is added, it would be good if it...

The upshot of this discussion seems to be that if one has a situation where one defines some Rust structs in module A, which are also exported to Python, and...

I'm reimplementing ppx_deriving, ppx_import, and ppx_deriving_yojson (soon, ppx_deriving_sexp) using camlp5: I've upgraded camlp5 so it understands all the new syntax up to Ocaml 4.10.0 (well, I might have missed...

I should add that tomorrow will be the end of week two of this effort: before that, I was focusing on getting camlp5 to the point where it could properly...

I knew that all these things existed for camlp4. But (a) camlp4 is incredibly backlevel, (b) didn't support a lot of the stuff camlp5 did, and (c) in any case,...

Fascinating. I'd heard of "BlueSpec" which is apparently a Haskell-derived HDL, but not about one based on Python. is this MyHDL?

I don't believe you can use `ppx_import` to achieve the goal of allowing full @@deriving support for extensible polymorphic variants. I might be wrong, though. Here is my reasoning: (1)...

Also, the reason I started thinking about this, is support for the extensible type `exn`. `ppx_sexp_conv` has special support for it. But (AFAICT) none of the other derivers do. It...

Here's a (working) example of what I mean: ``` module Exn = struct type t = exn = .. [@@deriving show, sexp] end type Exn.t += Not_found [@rebind_to Stdlib.Not_found ;]...

Yes, that is the behaviour that worked in the past. Also, documented: ``` It's possible to make deriving ignore a missing plugin rather than raising an error by passing an...