
Results 27 issues of DylanNelly


```html .test { background-color: var(--x, var(--y)); } const data = {'--y': 'red'} cssVars({ watch: true, onlyLegacy: false, worker: true, // worker: false, include: '[data-include]', variables: data }) ``` outputcss ```html...

`root.css` ```css :root { --color-1: red; } .color{ color: var(--color-1) } ``` `root2.css` ```css :root { --color-1: green; } .color{ color: var(--color-1) } ``` `index.html` ```html Document .bg { background-color:...

**Describe the feature** A clear and concise description of what you would like. Add code parsing parameters \`\`\`html | preview \111111\ \`\`\` **Why is this feature necessary?** A clear and...

NFE - new feature (should be an extension)


help wanted

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...] 多组件构建场景, ```tree . ├──...

首先表示看到这个插件,很强大,很符合我们的使用场景 再者我提一个小功能, 假如很多模块,指向配置打包二个模块的话,我只配置 ```javascript const includeList = ['index','home']; ``` ```javascript includePages:includeList, includePages:(pageNaem) =>includeList.include(pageNaem), ``` 或者IgnorePages支持函数 ```javascript ignorePages:(pageNaem) => !includeList.include(pageNaem) ``` 和loader一样的机制`exclude/include` 同时存在的时候,选择只是用一个或者按优先级 希望作者大大能够支持,尽快发布一下,谢谢了,需要我帮忙new request一个吗

## 功能请求 - [ ] 我想要完成此功能 **您的功能请求是否与一个问题有关?** 1. 不能使用先用的打包工具进行打包, 2. 不能使用DOM API进行操作渲染, 3. 不能多框架适配(react,vue2,vue3,Angular) **描述您希望的解决方案** 按照W3C标准实现DOM API(DOM Tree的多叉树)兼容前端框架, EventTarget-->Node-->Element-->NATIVEElement--> NATIVEVIEWElement,NATIVETEXTElement,NATIVEINPUTElement继承类(https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Web/API/HTMLDivElement) EventTarget-->Node-->CharacterData--> TEXT 创建全局的document.createElement等方法创建元素 定义全局NATIVEROOTElement根节点(可以挂载到document.body或者document.root),进行扩展DOM多叉树 **描述您考虑过的备选方案**. 方案1: js实现,作为polyfill包,消耗性能及增加jsbundle体积 方案2:native双平台实现,直接提供native方法 **文档、适配、迁移策略** 1....

Platform: tenon

```js const postcss = require("postcss"); const postcssCustomProperties = require("postcss-custom-properties"); const testStr = ` :root { ---first-color: 255, 255, 0; --second-color: rgba(var(---first-color), .5); } h1 { color: var(--second-color); } `; postcss([...


`[email protected]` 然后再`package.json`里面配置 ```json "browserslist": [ "chrome >= 90", "ios >= 15", "not IE 11" ] ``` 然后代码里面写 ```js const abc = async (params:string) => { console.log(params) } abc('111') ``` 还是被降级了...