
Results 27 comments of DylanNelly

其实我主要想用上拉加载更多和下拉刷新,中间使用原生滚动,监听scroll位置,如果到了0的时候在注入下来刷新的CSS3 Transition, 滚动到底部的时候在触发上拉加载的css3d动画,这样是不是能解决一部分问题,或者能让我`设置使用原生滚动`, 期待解决这个难题

Markdown it support ```js highlight(str, lang, attrs) { console.log( '🚀 ~ file: vite.config.ts ~ line 20 ~ highlight ~ attrs', attrs ) } ```

The following code can be used instead \`\`\`ts | pre const a = 1; \`\`\` ```js marked.use({ renderer: { code(code, infostring: string, escaped) { const [lang, ...attrsString] = infostring.split(' |...

```js const customPropertyRegExp = /^--[A-z][\w-]*$/; // whether the node is an html or :root rule ``` Is this check too strict, Is it possible to add a parameter to read...

建议修改`node_modules/father-build/src/getBabelConfig.ts`配置, 建议1:去除写死配置`babel`会自动使用`browserslist`去查找当前执行目录的配置,不需要您这边写死 建议2:增加配置项, ```diff return { opts: { presets: [ ...(typescript ? [require.resolve('@babel/preset-typescript')] : []), [require.resolve('@babel/preset-env'), { - targets, modules: type === 'esm' ? false : 'auto' }], ...(isBrowser ?...

```shell ➜ polyfill-library git:(master) ✗ node -v v14.17.3 ➜ polyfill-library git:(master) ✗ ```

Same error, I have changed node version to V12.22.3 and used NPM run build debugger`tasks/buildsources/polyfill.js` ```js .catch(error => { console.log('this.sourcePath', this.sourcePath) throw { message: `Error minifying ${this.name}`, error }; })...

`polyfills/HTMLTemplateElement/polyfill.js` line 326 cole 17 ```js var defineOuterHTML = function defineOuterHTML(obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, 'outerHTML', { get: function () { return `${this.innerHTML}`; // line 326 }, set: function (innerHTML) { if...