
Results 5 comments of Jp

@sbarow When to migrating the TicTacToe RIBs sample to use Needle?

I have the same problem. but i use manager to instead of ```objective-c YYWebImageManager *manager = [[YYWebImageManager alloc] initWithCache:nil queue:[YYWebImageManager sharedManager].queue]; manager.sharedTransformBlock = ^(UIImage *image, NSURL *url) { if (!image)...

@Keith I have the same problem, any update for this? ``` unknown variable reference "$(PRODUCT_MODULE_NAME)" while merging plists (key: "UIApplicationSceneManifest:UISceneConfigurations:UIWindowSceneSessionRoleApplication[0]:UISceneDelegateClassName", value: "$(PRODUCT_MODULE_NAME).SceneDelegate"). ```

You can try to use this method to change ListBindingSectionControllerDataSource ``` /** Tells the section controller to query for new view models, diff the changes, and update its cells. @param...

@627969687 我遇到了同样的问题,解决后可以运行,但是启动 WeChat 没有盆友圈选项,我的 WeChat 版本是 2.2.1