YYWebImage copied to clipboard
Use yy_setImage with transform block not working.
Hi I am using the method yy_setImageWithURL
that has a transform block. Now in the block, I resize the downloaded image and change the color of it. Now for some reason, that block never gets called. I am using Swift 3. Here is the code that I am using if needed:
mainInterestCell.mainInterestImageView.yy_setImage(with: interest.iconUrl, placeholder: Interest.placeholderImage(), options: [.progressiveBlur, .setImageWithFadeAnimation], progress: nil, transform: { (image: UIImage, imageUrl: URL) -> UIImage? in
let resizedImage = image.yy_imageByResize(to: CGSize(width: InterestConstants.defaultMainInterestImageWidth, height: InterestConstants.defaultMainInterestImageHeight), contentMode: .scaleAspectFit)
let color = doesInterestIdExistInCurrentEnthusiast ? colorFromHexValue(StyleConstants.ColorValueLTFLimeGreen) : colorFromHexValue(StyleConstants.ColorValueLTFImageGrey)
let resizedColorImage = resizedImage?.yy_image(byTintColor: color)
return resizedColorImage
}, completion: nil)
Is there a chance that the image file was fetched earlier without a transform block? If so, any future calls will pull the image from the cache despite the existence of the transform block.
So if an image is pulled from the cache, the transform block doesn't get called?
Yes, if you follow the code in YYWebImageOperation, you will find that it only calls the transform the first time the image has finished downloading from the web.
Now a way to work around this is to use the option 'YYWebImageOptionAvoidSetImage' and to apply your transform in the completion block instead. You lose the benefit of caching the transformed image but at least it won't have to re-download the image from the web.
A better solution is to implement a 'TransformKey' so that cache key becomes the url + key and that future calls with the same url and key will pull from the cache. I believe there's a pending pull request that fulfills that.
So I basically did a check in the completion block to see if the image was pulled from the cache and was able to transform the image.
I have the same problem.
I have the same problem.
- (void)setData:(Trip *)trip {
[self.imgTrip setNetImageWithName:trip.tripPicName transform:^UIImage * _Nullable(UIImage * _Nonnull image, NSURL * _Nonnull url) {
return [image yy_imageByRoundCornerRadius:2];
self.lbRatingCnt.text = trip.tripRatingCnt;
[self.imgHead setNetImageWithName:trip.picHead transform:^UIImage * _Nullable(UIImage * _Nonnull image, NSURL * _Nonnull url) {
return [image yy_imageByRoundCornerRadius: 60]; // 这个不起作用
self.lbTripTitle.text = trip.tripTitle;
self.lbTripPrice.attributedText = trip.tripPriceAttributedString;
self.lbLabels.text = trip.tripTags;
I have the same problem. but i use manager to instead of
YYWebImageManager *manager = [[YYWebImageManager alloc] initWithCache:nil queue:[YYWebImageManager sharedManager].queue];
manager.sharedTransformBlock = ^(UIImage *image, NSURL *url) {
if (!image) { return image; }
return [image yy_imageByRoundCornerRadius:100]; // a large value
[self.avatar yy_setImageWithURL:URL placeholder:[UIImage imageNamed:@"xxxxxx"] options:kNilOptions manager:manager progress:nil transform:nil completion:nil];