ChengNan Yang
ChengNan Yang
@Snorchy Android phone cannot run apk that is build for Vive Focus. Just try the patch when you got the device back, thanks!
> I had the same problem... @ZqWong Could you provide more information on your problem? Could you provide any sample project for debugging?
@faaarwards I will get back to you when I am able to borrow that many devices and reproduce the issue. Sorry for the inconvenience.
@faaarwards In the RoleBindingExample scene, if you try to turn off 1 of the devices, will the one that is not shown in the scene re-appear again? I just tried...
@faaarwards Could you try connecting the last tracker device directly to PC by micro USB? Could you see the tracker after connecting it to PC? I was trying with 9...
@faaarwards Have you tried my latest suggestion?
Please refer to this [thread](
@cpaganucci We are working hard to support OpenVR XR SDK including other XR Plugins, it is about to release soon!
@cpaganucci Latest VIU v1.11.0 already fixed your issue. Please try it out. You can get the latest code from GitHub or Unity Asset Store (waiting for Unity to review and...
@wirelessdreamer Could you help to verify below solution? Thanks! Under folder "Assets\HTC.UnityPlugin\ViveInputUtility\Scripts\Misc\OculusVRExtension\" in VIUOculusVRRenderModel.cs file, Line 620, var shader = m_shaderOverride == null ? Shader.Find("OvrAvatar/AvatarSurfaceShaderPBS") : m_shaderOverride; Line 644, var...