Chen Botao
Chen Botao
Hi there ! The plugin for sublime works well , but I feel a little inconvenient that the block cursor remain the same shape when it comes to insert mode....
send_image 用中文文件名会出现错误,用英文不会出现,具体如下: ``` In [26]: m.reply_image("你好 .jpg") --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ResponseError Traceback (most recent call last) in () ----> 1 m.reply_image("你好 .jpg") /home/cbt/Documents/hello/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/wxpy/api/chats/ in wrapped(self, *args, **kwargs) 47 return itchat_partial_func(**itchat_call_or_ret) 48 --->...
Hi there! I am using guake terminal in linux mint, but it seems that Sendcode does not work with guake terminal. Can any one help me?
Hi, everybody! Everything is fine except an error message shown in terminal when I run `gtm` command. Here is the message: `gtm: /usr/lib/ no version information available (required by gtm)`...
Hi everybody! I have one simple question about gtm output, in codes below: ``` $ gtm status 20m 40s 53% [m] plugin/gtm.vim 18m 5s 46% [r] Terminal 15s 1% [m]...
你好yuche! 我的Chrome 版本是46.0.2490.86 m 我用 ie和edge浏览,都可以显示 "Share this post" -在每一篇文章底下中间,而chrome却不. 这是什么原理,请赐教. 另外,我想增加分享至微信朋友圈如何做? ps:虽然貌似微信的机制不允许直接分享,但是貌似可以支持用微信打开网页,然后在网页右上角点击分享. 非常感谢!
Sometimes, I need to read the full error message. But, in the image below for example, the last line of output pannel, which begin with `self`, is partly covered because...
Hi , I have installed gtm and gtm-termimal-plugin with zsh. When I start a new zsh, an error message shows: `/home/cbt/ command not found: PWD` How to solve this? Do...