Dima Chekhovskyi
Dima Chekhovskyi
Hi, @castellani. Try a framework from `develop` branch - https://github.com/CherryFramework/cherryframework4/tree/develop
@infario, yep! Just working on it :)
Hi, @cedisoftsrl! Your questions on this framework version - https://github.com/CherryFramework/CherryFramework ? Or new version - https://github.com/CherryFramework/cherryframework4 ?
Hi, @ledemoly! Sorry, but you problem is not solved? I think you can replace : `$resutlOutput .=` => `$resutlOutput =` in line `/home/rdvcomunicacao/clientes/cuchiarelli/wp-content/themes/theme52382/includes/parallaxSlider.php on line 64`
Hi, ajibdeji. Сheck that you pick the slug of the category. What a type of post do you choose? And give me [posts_grid] shortcode with parametrs.