I have the same issue,do you know how to resolve?
@1s23 hi, I met the same problem, Do you have solved it now?
@rainbow520lxr,Thanks to get your reply,I have not solve the probelm because the tensorrt doesn't supports the nn.upsample() layer,Do you have any good ideas?Tje tensorrt6.0.1.5 seems not support write plugin layer...
@sunjiahao1999 ,hi,i met the same problem with Isaac-xie,and i check the mmdeploy/utils/ file ,only find the MonocularDetection in Task,not in SDK_TASK_MAP,which it means only can run fcos3d in python ,...
i almost meet the same problem when i try to convert fcos3d pth model to trt model in the backtime,like this: (mmdeploy) mc@mc-System-Product-Name:/media/mc/autoDrivingData/works/deep_learning/autoDriving/MMDeploy$ python tools/ configs/mmdet3d/monocular-detection/ /home/mc/works/deep_learning/autoDriving/mmdetection3d/configs/fcos3d/ /home/mc/works/deep_learning/autoDriving/mmdetection3d/checkpoints/fcos3d_r101_caffe_fpn_gn-head_dcn_2x8_1x_nus-mono3d_finetune_20210717_095645-8d806dc2.pth /home/mc/works/deep_learning/autoDriving/mmdetection3d/demo/data/nuscenes/n015-2018-07-24-11-22-45+0800__CAM_BACK__1532402927637525.jpg --work-dir...