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Invalid indice found while running ScatterND node when converting model from .pth to .onnx

Open zerovirus123 opened this issue 2 years ago • 4 comments

I am trying to convert my PyTorch model to an onnx model, and I encountered the following error.

2 0 2 2 - 0 9 - 0 8   1 2 : 2 4 : 1 9 . 3 0 0 3 6 0 5   [ E : o n n x r u n t i m e : ,   s e q u e n t i a l _ e x e c u t o r . c c : 3 6 8   o n n x r u n t i m e : : S e q u e n t i a l E x e c u t o r : : E x e c u t e ]   N o n - z e r o   s t a t u s   c o d e   r e t u r n e d   w h i l e   r u n n i n g   S c a t t e r N D   n o d e .   N a m e : ' S c a t t e r N D _ 7 5 4 '   S t a t u s   M e s s a g e :   i n v a l i d   i n d i c e   f o u n d ,   i n d i c e   =   8
 2022-09-08:12:24:19 - root - ERROR - Error in execution: Non-zero status code returned while running ScatterND node. Name:'ScatterND_754' Status Message: invalid indice found, indice = 8
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\Deployment\.conda\envs\mmdeploy\lib\site-packages\mmdeploy\utils\", line 41, in target_wrapper
    result = target(*args, **kwargs)
  File "C:\Users\Deployment\.conda\envs\mmdeploy\lib\site-packages\mmdeploy\apis\", line 72, in visualize_model
    result = task_processor.run_inference(model, model_inputs)[0]
  File "C:\Users\Deployment\.conda\envs\mmdeploy\lib\site-packages\mmdeploy\codebase\mmdet\deploy\", line 203, in run_inference
    return model(**model_inputs, return_loss=False, rescale=True)
  File "C:\Users\Deployment\.conda\envs\mmdeploy\lib\site-packages\torch\nn\modules\", line 1102, in _call_impl
    return forward_call(*input, **kwargs)
  File "C:\Users\Deployment\.conda\envs\mmdeploy\lib\site-packages\mmdeploy\codebase\mmdet\deploy\", line 198, in forward
    outputs = self.forward_test(input_img, img_metas, *args, **kwargs)
  File "C:\Users\Deployment\.conda\envs\mmdeploy\lib\site-packages\mmdeploy\codebase\mmdet\deploy\", line 274, in forward_test
    outputs = self.wrapper({self.input_name: imgs})
  File "C:\Users\Deployment\.conda\envs\mmdeploy\lib\site-packages\torch\nn\modules\", line 1102, in _call_impl
    return forward_call(*input, **kwargs)
  File "C:\Users\Deployment\.conda\envs\mmdeploy\lib\site-packages\mmdeploy\backend\onnxruntime\", line 96, in forward
  File "C:\Users\Deployment\.conda\envs\mmdeploy\lib\site-packages\mmdeploy\utils\", line 64, in fun
    result = func(*args, **kwargs)
  File "C:\Users\Deployment\.conda\envs\mmdeploy\lib\site-packages\mmdeploy\backend\onnxruntime\", line 112, in __ort_execute
  File "C:\Users\Deployment\.conda\envs\mmdeploy\lib\site-packages\onnxruntime\capi\", line 287, in run_with_iobinding
    self._sess.run_with_iobinding(iobinding._iobinding, run_options)
RuntimeError: Error in execution: Non-zero status code returned while running ScatterND node. Name:'ScatterND_754' Status Message: invalid indice found, indice = 8
2022-09-08 12:24:19,717 - mmdeploy - ERROR - visualize onnxruntime model failed.

Environment Specs: CUDA: 10.2 Python: 3.8.13 mmdeploy: 0.7.0 PyTorch: 1.10.1+cu102 onnxruntime-gpu: 1.12.1

I trained my model using the code from

zerovirus123 avatar Sep 08 '22 04:09 zerovirus123

Please give the whole command you are using. for example

$ python3 tools/  YOUR_DEPLOY_CONFIG   YOUR_MODEL_CONFIG YOUR_MODEL_PATH xxxx ..  // and more

tpoisonooo avatar Sep 13 '22 03:09 tpoisonooo


python mmdeploy/tools/ mmdeploy/configs/mmdet/instance-seg/ F:\tree_segmentation\configs_new_dataset\ F:\tree_segmentation\models\maskrcnn_npt1_256\latest.pth test_image.JPG --work-dir maskrcnn_npt1_256_onnx --device cpu --dump-info --show

zerovirus123 avatar Sep 13 '22 04:09 zerovirus123

i almost meet the same problem when i try to convert fcos3d pth model to trt model in the backtime,like this: (mmdeploy) mc@mc-System-Product-Name:/media/mc/autoDrivingData/works/deep_learning/autoDriving/MMDeploy$ python tools/ configs/mmdet3d/monocular-detection/ /home/mc/works/deep_learning/autoDriving/mmdetection3d/configs/fcos3d/ /home/mc/works/deep_learning/autoDriving/mmdetection3d/checkpoints/fcos3d_r101_caffe_fpn_gn-head_dcn_2x8_1x_nus-mono3d_finetune_20210717_095645-8d806dc2.pth /home/mc/works/deep_learning/autoDriving/mmdetection3d/demo/data/nuscenes/n015-2018-07-24-11-22-45+0800__CAM_BACK__1532402927637525.jpg --work-dir ./ --device cuda:0 --show [2022-10-28 15:25:44.191] [mmdeploy] [info] [model.cpp:98] Register 'DirectoryModel' [2022-10-28 15:25:45.080] [mmdeploy] [info] [model.cpp:98] Register 'DirectoryModel' [2022-10-28 15:25:46.008] [mmdeploy] [info] [model.cpp:98] Register 'DirectoryModel' 2022-10-28 15:25:46,011 - mmdeploy - INFO - Start pipeline mmdeploy.apis.pytorch2onnx.torch2onnx in subprocess load checkpoint from local path: /home/mc/works/deep_learning/autoDriving/mmdetection3d/checkpoints/fcos3d_r101_caffe_fpn_gn-head_dcn_2x8_1x_nus-mono3d_finetune_20210717_095645-8d806dc2.pth 2022-10-28 15:25:48,913 - mmdeploy - WARNING - DeprecationWarning: get_onnx_config will be deprecated in the future. 2022-10-28 15:25:48,913 - mmdeploy - INFO - Export PyTorch model to ONNX: ./end2end.onnx. 2022-10-28 15:25:48,928 - mmdeploy - WARNING - Can not find torch.nn.functional._scaled_dot_product_attention, function rewrite will not be applied 2022-10-28 15:25:48,928 - mmdeploy - WARNING - Can not find torch._C._jit_pass_onnx_deduplicate_initializers, function rewrite will not be applied /home/mc/anaconda3/envs/mmdeploy/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/ RuntimeWarning: Iterating over a tensor might cause the trace to be incorrect. Passing a tensor of different shape won't change the number of iterations executed (and might lead to errors or silently give incorrect results). 'incorrect results).', category=RuntimeWarning) /media/mc/autoDrivingData/works/deep_learning/autoDriving/MMDeploy/mmdeploy/codebase/mmdet3d/models/ TracerWarning: Converting a tensor to a Python integer might cause the trace to be incorrect. We can't record the data flow of Python values, so this value will be treated as a constant in the future. This means that the trace might not generalize to other inputs! img_shape = [int(val) for val in img_shape] /home/mc/anaconda3/envs/mmdeploy/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mmcv/ops/ TracerWarning: Converting a tensor to a Python boolean might cause the trace to be incorrect. We can't record the data flow of Python values, so this value will be treated as a constant in the future. This means that the trace might not generalize to other inputs! if not all(map(lambda s: s > 0, output_size)): /media/mc/autoDrivingData/works/deep_learning/autoDriving/MMDeploy/mmdeploy/codebase/mmdet3d/models/ TracerWarning: Converting a tensor to a Python boolean might cause the trace to be incorrect. We can't record the data flow of Python values, so this value will be treated as a constant in the future. This means that the trace might not generalize to other inputs! assert cls_score.size()[-2:] == bbox_pred.size()[-2:] /media/mc/autoDrivingData/works/deep_learning/autoDriving/MMDeploy/mmdeploy/codebase/mmdet3d/models/ TracerWarning: Converting a tensor to a Python boolean might cause the trace to be incorrect. We can't record the data flow of Python values, so this value will be treated as a constant in the future. This means that the trace might not generalize to other inputs! if nms_pre > 0 and scores.shape[1] > nms_pre: /media/mc/autoDrivingData/works/deep_learning/autoDriving/MMDeploy/mmdeploy/pytorch/functions/ TracerWarning: Converting a tensor to a Python boolean might cause the trace to be incorrect. We can't record the data flow of Python values, so this value will be treated as a constant in the future. This means that the trace might not generalize to other inputs! if k > size: /media/mc/autoDrivingData/works/deep_learning/autoDriving/MMDeploy/mmdeploy/codebase/mmdet3d/core/bbox/ TracerWarning: Converting a tensor to a Python boolean might cause the trace to be incorrect. We can't record the data flow of Python values, so this value will be treated as a constant in the future. This means that the trace might not generalize to other inputs! assert cam2img_inverse.shape[0] <= 4 /media/mc/autoDrivingData/works/deep_learning/autoDriving/MMDeploy/mmdeploy/codebase/mmdet3d/core/bbox/ TracerWarning: Converting a tensor to a Python boolean might cause the trace to be incorrect. We can't record the data flow of Python values, so this value will be treated as a constant in the future. This means that the trace might not generalize to other inputs! assert cam2img_inverse.shape[1] <= 4 /media/mc/autoDrivingData/works/deep_learning/autoDriving/MMDeploy/mmdeploy/codebase/mmdet3d/core/bbox/ TracerWarning: Converting a tensor to a Python boolean might cause the trace to be incorrect. We can't record the data flow of Python values, so this value will be treated as a constant in the future. This means that the trace might not generalize to other inputs! assert points.shape[2] == 3 /media/mc/autoDrivingData/works/deep_learning/autoDriving/MMDeploy/mmdeploy/codebase/mmdet3d/core/bbox/ TracerWarning: Converting a tensor to a Python boolean might cause the trace to be incorrect. We can't record the data flow of Python values, so this value will be treated as a constant in the future. This means that the trace might not generalize to other inputs! if bbox.shape[0] > 0: /media/mc/autoDrivingData/works/deep_learning/autoDriving/MMDeploy/mmdeploy/codebase/mmdet3d/core/post_processing/ TracerWarning: Converting a tensor to a Python integer might cause the trace to be incorrect. We can't record the data flow of Python values, so this value will be treated as a constant in the future. This means that the trace might not generalize to other inputs! num_classes = int(mlvl_scores.shape[-1]) /media/mc/autoDrivingData/works/deep_learning/autoDriving/MMDeploy/mmdeploy/mmcv/ops/ TracerWarning: Converting a tensor to a Python boolean might cause the trace to be incorrect. We can't record the data flow of Python values, so this value will be treated as a constant in the future. This means that the trace might not generalize to other inputs! out_boxes = min(num_boxes, after_topk) /media/mc/autoDrivingData/works/deep_learning/autoDriving/MMDeploy/mmdeploy/mmcv/ops/ TracerWarning: Converting a tensor to a Python integer might cause the trace to be incorrect. We can't record the data flow of Python values, so this value will be treated as a constant in the future. This means that the trace might not generalize to other inputs! (batch_size, out_boxes)).to(scores.device)) Warning: ONNX Preprocess - Removing mutation on block inputs. This changes graph semantics. 2022-10-28 15:26:17,229 - mmdeploy - INFO - Execute onnx optimize passes. 2022-10-28 15:26:19,196 - mmdeploy - INFO - Finish pipeline mmdeploy.apis.pytorch2onnx.torch2onnx [2022-10-28 15:26:20.666] [mmdeploy] [info] [model.cpp:98] Register 'DirectoryModel' 2022-10-28 15:26:20,669 - mmdeploy - INFO - Start pipeline mmdeploy.backend.tensorrt.onnx2tensorrt.onnx2tensorrt in subprocess 2022-10-28 15:26:20,767 - mmdeploy - INFO - Successfully loaded tensorrt plugins from /media/mc/autoDrivingData/works/deep_learning/autoDriving/MMDeploy/mmdeploy/lib/ [10/28/2022-15:26:20] [TRT] [I] [MemUsageChange] Init CUDA: CPU +320, GPU +0, now: CPU 388, GPU 930 (MiB) [10/28/2022-15:26:21] [TRT] [I] [MemUsageChange] Init builder kernel library: CPU +327, GPU +104, now: CPU 734, GPU 1034 (MiB) [10/28/2022-15:26:21] [TRT] [E] Could not register plugin creator - ::ScatterND version 1 [10/28/2022-15:26:21] [TRT] [W] onnx2trt_utils.cpp:369: Your ONNX model has been generated with INT64 weights, while TensorRT does not natively support INT64. Attempting to cast down to INT32. [10/28/2022-15:26:21] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:21] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:21] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d [10/28/2022-15:26:21] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:21] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:21] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d [10/28/2022-15:26:21] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:21] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:21] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d [10/28/2022-15:26:21] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:21] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:21] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d [10/28/2022-15:26:21] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:21] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:21] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d [10/28/2022-15:26:22] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:22] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:22] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d [10/28/2022-15:26:22] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:22] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:22] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d [10/28/2022-15:26:22] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:22] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:22] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d [10/28/2022-15:26:22] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:22] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:22] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d [10/28/2022-15:26:22] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:22] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:22] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d [10/28/2022-15:26:22] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:22] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:22] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d [10/28/2022-15:26:22] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:22] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:22] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d [10/28/2022-15:26:22] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:22] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:22] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d [10/28/2022-15:26:22] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:22] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:22] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d [10/28/2022-15:26:22] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:22] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:22] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d [10/28/2022-15:26:22] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:22] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:22] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d [10/28/2022-15:26:22] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:22] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:22] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d [10/28/2022-15:26:22] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:22] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:22] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d [10/28/2022-15:26:22] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:22] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:22] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d [10/28/2022-15:26:22] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:22] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:22] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d [10/28/2022-15:26:22] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:22] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:22] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d [10/28/2022-15:26:22] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:22] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:22] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d [10/28/2022-15:26:23] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:23] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:23] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d [10/28/2022-15:26:23] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:23] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:23] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d [10/28/2022-15:26:23] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:23] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:23] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d [10/28/2022-15:26:23] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:23] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:23] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d [10/28/2022-15:26:23] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: TRTInstanceNormalization. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:23] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:23] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization [10/28/2022-15:26:23] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:23] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:23] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d [10/28/2022-15:26:23] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: TRTInstanceNormalization. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:23] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:23] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization [10/28/2022-15:26:23] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: TRTInstanceNormalization. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:23] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:23] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization [10/28/2022-15:26:23] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: TRTInstanceNormalization. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:23] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:23] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization [10/28/2022-15:26:23] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:23] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:23] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d [10/28/2022-15:26:23] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: TRTInstanceNormalization. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:23] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:23] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization [10/28/2022-15:26:23] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: TRTInstanceNormalization. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:23] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:23] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization [10/28/2022-15:26:23] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: TRTInstanceNormalization. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:23] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:23] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization [10/28/2022-15:26:23] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: TRTInstanceNormalization. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:23] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:23] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization [10/28/2022-15:26:23] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: TRTInstanceNormalization. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:23] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:23] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization [10/28/2022-15:26:23] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: TRTInstanceNormalization. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:23] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:23] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization [10/28/2022-15:26:23] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: TRTInstanceNormalization. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:23] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:23] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization [10/28/2022-15:26:23] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: TRTInstanceNormalization. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:23] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:23] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization [10/28/2022-15:26:24] [TRT] [W] onnx2trt_utils.cpp:395: One or more weights outside the range of INT32 was clamped [10/28/2022-15:26:24] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: TRTInstanceNormalization. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:24] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:24] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization [10/28/2022-15:26:24] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:24] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:24] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d [10/28/2022-15:26:24] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: TRTInstanceNormalization. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:24] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:24] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization [10/28/2022-15:26:24] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: TRTInstanceNormalization. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:24] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:24] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization [10/28/2022-15:26:24] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: TRTInstanceNormalization. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:24] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:24] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization [10/28/2022-15:26:25] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:25] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:25] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d [10/28/2022-15:26:25] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: TRTInstanceNormalization. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:25] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:25] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization [10/28/2022-15:26:25] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: TRTInstanceNormalization. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:25] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:25] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization [10/28/2022-15:26:25] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: TRTInstanceNormalization. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:25] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:25] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization [10/28/2022-15:26:25] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: TRTInstanceNormalization. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:25] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:25] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization [10/28/2022-15:26:25] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: TRTInstanceNormalization. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:25] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:25] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization [10/28/2022-15:26:25] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: TRTInstanceNormalization. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:25] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:25] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization [10/28/2022-15:26:25] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: TRTInstanceNormalization. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:25] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:25] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization [10/28/2022-15:26:25] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: TRTInstanceNormalization. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:25] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:25] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization [10/28/2022-15:26:26] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: TRTInstanceNormalization. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:26] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:26] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization [10/28/2022-15:26:26] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:26] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:26] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d [10/28/2022-15:26:26] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: TRTInstanceNormalization. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:26] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:26] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization [10/28/2022-15:26:26] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: TRTInstanceNormalization. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:26] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:26] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization [10/28/2022-15:26:26] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: TRTInstanceNormalization. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:26] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:26] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization [10/28/2022-15:26:26] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:26] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:26] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d [10/28/2022-15:26:26] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: TRTInstanceNormalization. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:26] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:26] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization [10/28/2022-15:26:26] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: TRTInstanceNormalization. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:26] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:26] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization [10/28/2022-15:26:26] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: TRTInstanceNormalization. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:26] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:26] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization [10/28/2022-15:26:26] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: TRTInstanceNormalization. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:26] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:26] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization [10/28/2022-15:26:26] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: TRTInstanceNormalization. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:26] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:26] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization [10/28/2022-15:26:26] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: TRTInstanceNormalization. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:26] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:26] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization [10/28/2022-15:26:26] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: TRTInstanceNormalization. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:26] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:26] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization [10/28/2022-15:26:26] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: TRTInstanceNormalization. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:26] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:26] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization [10/28/2022-15:26:28] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: TRTInstanceNormalization. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:28] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:28] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization [10/28/2022-15:26:28] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:28] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:28] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d [10/28/2022-15:26:28] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: TRTInstanceNormalization. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:28] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:28] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization [10/28/2022-15:26:28] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: TRTInstanceNormalization. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:28] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:28] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization [10/28/2022-15:26:28] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: TRTInstanceNormalization. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:28] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:28] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization [10/28/2022-15:26:28] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:28] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:28] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d [10/28/2022-15:26:28] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: TRTInstanceNormalization. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:28] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:28] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization [10/28/2022-15:26:28] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: TRTInstanceNormalization. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:28] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:28] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization [10/28/2022-15:26:28] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: TRTInstanceNormalization. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:28] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:28] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization [10/28/2022-15:26:28] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: TRTInstanceNormalization. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:28] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:28] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization [10/28/2022-15:26:28] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: TRTInstanceNormalization. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:28] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:28] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization [10/28/2022-15:26:28] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: TRTInstanceNormalization. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:28] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:28] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization [10/28/2022-15:26:28] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: TRTInstanceNormalization. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:28] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:28] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization [10/28/2022-15:26:28] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: TRTInstanceNormalization. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:28] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:28] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization [10/28/2022-15:26:30] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: TRTInstanceNormalization. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:30] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:30] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization [10/28/2022-15:26:30] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:30] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:30] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d [10/28/2022-15:26:30] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: TRTInstanceNormalization. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:30] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:30] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization [10/28/2022-15:26:30] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: TRTInstanceNormalization. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:30] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:30] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization [10/28/2022-15:26:30] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: TRTInstanceNormalization. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:30] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:30] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization [10/28/2022-15:26:30] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:30] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:30] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: MMCVModulatedDeformConv2d [10/28/2022-15:26:30] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: TRTInstanceNormalization. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:30] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:30] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization [10/28/2022-15:26:30] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: TRTInstanceNormalization. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:30] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:30] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization [10/28/2022-15:26:30] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: TRTInstanceNormalization. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:30] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:30] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization [10/28/2022-15:26:30] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: TRTInstanceNormalization. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:30] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:30] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization [10/28/2022-15:26:31] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: TRTInstanceNormalization. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:31] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:31] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization [10/28/2022-15:26:31] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: TRTInstanceNormalization. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:31] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:31] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization [10/28/2022-15:26:31] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: TRTInstanceNormalization. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:31] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:31] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization [10/28/2022-15:26:31] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: TRTInstanceNormalization. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:31] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:31] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: TRTInstanceNormalization [10/28/2022-15:26:33] [TRT] [W] Tensor DataType is determined at build time for tensors not marked as input or output. [10/28/2022-15:26:33] [TRT] [W] Tensor DataType is determined at build time for tensors not marked as input or output. [10/28/2022-15:26:35] [TRT] [W] Tensor DataType is determined at build time for tensors not marked as input or output. [10/28/2022-15:26:35] [TRT] [W] Tensor DataType is determined at build time for tensors not marked as input or output. [10/28/2022-15:26:37] [TRT] [W] Tensor DataType is determined at build time for tensors not marked as input or output. [10/28/2022-15:26:37] [TRT] [W] Tensor DataType is determined at build time for tensors not marked as input or output. [10/28/2022-15:26:39] [TRT] [W] Tensor DataType is determined at build time for tensors not marked as input or output. [10/28/2022-15:26:39] [TRT] [W] Tensor DataType is determined at build time for tensors not marked as input or output. [10/28/2022-15:26:40] [TRT] [W] Tensor DataType is determined at build time for tensors not marked as input or output. [10/28/2022-15:26:40] [TRT] [W] Tensor DataType is determined at build time for tensors not marked as input or output. [10/28/2022-15:26:44] [TRT] [I] No importer registered for op: TRTBatchedBEVNMS. Attempting to import as plugin. [10/28/2022-15:26:44] [TRT] [I] Searching for plugin: TRTBatchedBEVNMS, plugin_version: 1, plugin_namespace: [10/28/2022-15:26:44] [TRT] [I] Successfully created plugin: TRTBatchedBEVNMS 2022-10-28 15:26:44,324 - mmdeploy - ERROR - mmdeploy.backend.tensorrt.onnx2tensorrt.onnx2tensorrt with Call id: 1 failed. exit. and my env is: 2022-10-28 15:53:26,367 - mmdeploy - INFO -

2022-10-28 15:53:26,367 - mmdeploy - INFO - Environmental information 2022-10-28 15:53:26,634 - mmdeploy - INFO - sys.platform: linux 2022-10-28 15:53:26,635 - mmdeploy - INFO - Python: 3.7.13 (default, Oct 18 2022, 18:57:03) [GCC 11.2.0] 2022-10-28 15:53:26,635 - mmdeploy - INFO - CUDA available: True 2022-10-28 15:53:26,635 - mmdeploy - INFO - GPU 0: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 2022-10-28 15:53:26,635 - mmdeploy - INFO - CUDA_HOME: /usr/local/cuda 2022-10-28 15:53:26,635 - mmdeploy - INFO - NVCC: Cuda compilation tools, release 11.1, V11.1.105 2022-10-28 15:53:26,635 - mmdeploy - INFO - GCC: gcc (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.1) 9.4.0 2022-10-28 15:53:26,636 - mmdeploy - INFO - PyTorch: 1.8.0 2022-10-28 15:53:26,636 - mmdeploy - INFO - PyTorch compiling details: PyTorch built with:

  • GCC 7.3
  • C++ Version: 201402
  • Intel(R) oneAPI Math Kernel Library Version 2021.4-Product Build 20210904 for Intel(R) 64 architecture applications
  • Intel(R) MKL-DNN v1.7.0 (Git Hash 7aed236906b1f7a05c0917e5257a1af05e9ff683)
  • OpenMP 201511 (a.k.a. OpenMP 4.5)
  • NNPACK is enabled
  • CPU capability usage: AVX2
  • CUDA Runtime 11.1
  • NVCC architecture flags: -gencode;arch=compute_37,code=sm_37;-gencode;arch=compute_50,code=sm_50;-gencode;arch=compute_60,code=sm_60;-gencode;arch=compute_61,code=sm_61;-gencode;arch=compute_70,code=sm_70;-gencode;arch=compute_75,code=sm_75;-gencode;arch=compute_80,code=sm_80;-gencode;arch=compute_86,code=sm_86;-gencode;arch=compute_37,code=compute_37
  • CuDNN 8.0.5
  • Magma 2.5.2
  • Build settings: BLAS_INFO=mkl, BUILD_TYPE=Release, CUDA_VERSION=11.1, CUDNN_VERSION=8.0.5, CXX_COMPILER=/opt/rh/devtoolset-7/root/usr/bin/c++, CXX_FLAGS= -Wno-deprecated -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -DUSE_PTHREADPOOL -fopenmp -DNDEBUG -DUSE_KINETO -DUSE_FBGEMM -DUSE_QNNPACK -DUSE_PYTORCH_QNNPACK -DUSE_XNNPACK -O2 -fPIC -Wno-narrowing -Wall -Wextra -Werror=return-type -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-type-limits -Wno-array-bounds -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-unused-variable -Wno-unused-function -Wno-unused-result -Wno-unused-local-typedefs -Wno-strict-overflow -Wno-strict-aliasing -Wno-error=deprecated-declarations -Wno-stringop-overflow -Wno-psabi -Wno-error=pedantic -Wno-error=redundant-decls -Wno-error=old-style-cast -fdiagnostics-color=always -faligned-new -Wno-unused-but-set-variable -Wno-maybe-uninitialized -fno-math-errno -fno-trapping-math -Werror=format -Wno-stringop-overflow, LAPACK_INFO=mkl, PERF_WITH_AVX=1, PERF_WITH_AVX2=1, PERF_WITH_AVX512=1, TORCH_VERSION=1.8.0, USE_CUDA=ON, USE_CUDNN=ON, USE_EXCEPTION_PTR=1, USE_GFLAGS=OFF, USE_GLOG=OFF, USE_MKL=ON, USE_MKLDNN=ON, USE_MPI=OFF, USE_NCCL=ON, USE_NNPACK=ON, USE_OPENMP=ON,

2022-10-28 15:53:26,636 - mmdeploy - INFO - TorchVision: 0.9.0 2022-10-28 15:53:26,636 - mmdeploy - INFO - OpenCV: 4.6.0 2022-10-28 15:53:26,636 - mmdeploy - INFO - MMCV: 1.6.2 2022-10-28 15:53:26,636 - mmdeploy - INFO - MMCV Compiler: GCC 7.3 2022-10-28 15:53:26,636 - mmdeploy - INFO - MMCV CUDA Compiler: 11.1 2022-10-28 15:53:26,636 - mmdeploy - INFO - MMDeploy: 0.9.0+09add48 2022-10-28 15:53:26,636 - mmdeploy - INFO -

2022-10-28 15:53:26,636 - mmdeploy - INFO - Backend information 2022-10-28 15:53:27,340 - mmdeploy - INFO - onnxruntime: None ops_is_avaliable : False 2022-10-28 15:53:27,374 - mmdeploy - INFO - tensorrt: ops_is_avaliable : True 2022-10-28 15:53:27,455 - mmdeploy - INFO - ncnn: None ops_is_avaliable : False 2022-10-28 15:53:27,474 - mmdeploy - INFO - pplnn_is_avaliable: False 2022-10-28 15:53:27,493 - mmdeploy - INFO - openvino_is_avaliable: False 2022-10-28 15:53:27,524 - mmdeploy - INFO - snpe_is_available: False 2022-10-28 15:53:27,549 - mmdeploy - INFO - ascend_is_available: False 2022-10-28 15:53:27,566 - mmdeploy - INFO - coreml_is_available: False 2022-10-28 15:53:27,566 - mmdeploy - INFO -

2022-10-28 15:53:27,566 - mmdeploy - INFO - Codebase information 2022-10-28 15:53:27,574 - mmdeploy - INFO - mmdet: 2.25.3 2022-10-28 15:53:27,574 - mmdeploy - INFO - mmseg: 0.29.0 2022-10-28 15:53:27,574 - mmdeploy - INFO - mmcls: 0.24.0 2022-10-28 15:53:27,574 - mmdeploy - INFO - mmocr: None 2022-10-28 15:53:27,574 - mmdeploy - INFO - mmedit: None 2022-10-28 15:53:27,574 - mmdeploy - INFO - mmdet3d: 1.0.0rc5 2022-10-28 15:53:27,574 - mmdeploy - INFO - mmpose: None 2022-10-28 15:53:27,574 - mmdeploy - INFO - mmrotate: None I tried torch/tensorrt/pplcv different version,but still not fixed,can you help me?

chegnyanjun avatar Oct 28 '22 07:10 chegnyanjun

@lvhan028 @tpoisonooo I've also run into the error while trying to run yolof_r50_c5_8x8_1x_coco with ONNX Runtime. Has there been any progress on how to solve this issue?

prathikr avatar Feb 27 '24 22:02 prathikr