Matt Chia-wen Chang

Results 56 comments of Matt Chia-wen Chang

I would suggest making another PR for the mouse/table event things next time. Let's focus on one thing at a time.

OK, thank you @Jose-Moreno for so many clues. I'll try to fix the case C first, and keep track on other 2 cases.

Case C fixed. 20891445508a9e238f67fd3491ec8a409684f9fa

I believe this issue has been fixed in the latest clayGL.

```js var cube = app.createCube(); cube.material.set('color', [1, 0, 0, 1]); // 紅色 ```

I have a solution for Unicode filenames on Windows. Unfortunately, it needs C++ headers to do Unicode conversion. 1. Convert the filename string to UTF-8 when you call any miniz...

Happy to see that if someone wants to implement it ;)

I got some free time recently and revisited this PR today. I think it's pretty close to being merged. Just need some cleanup. There are a couple of things I...

Thanks for your detailed explanation @Jose-Moreno I will then create a new Pull Request focusing on the essential Xsheet UI without including lipsync and Papagayo things. I believe it will...

I am closing this PR as encountered some technical difficulties. I will reopen this PR after I figure it out.