Matt Chia-wen Chang

Results 56 comments of Matt Chia-wen Chang

Thanks @CandyFace will do it soon

@CandyFace Just found a bug, need your help. steps to replicate the bug: 1. start Pencil2D 2. Add a new Bitmap keyframe 3. Draw a line on the bitmap frame...

This is a part of undo/redo improvements, will put this into the 0.7 plan.

Can't replicate, either. will try again later on.

One question: why the LayerSound destructor is called twice? This is how the callstack should look like when deleting a sound layer. ![Callstack](

> Some trivial comments about indentation but aside from that I think it looks good from a technical point of view. I haven't done any multi-threading in c++ yet but...

> I have not taken the time to review the code or functionality of this, just the discussion here. I want to say that I think the idea of doing...

> > > > Sorry, I don't quite get it. Could you explain more about the corrupted project? What could be inconsistent if the auto save does save all the...

True. And Ideally, the auto crop could be done by a background thread, too. It's a rather expensive operation.