Matt Chia-wen Chang

Results 56 comments of Matt Chia-wen Chang

I can't figure out why there is a difference between playing AIFF/OGG and WAV. In Pencil2D, they are played in exactly the same way. Something is not quite right in...

@J5lx good news to have an installer! @Jose-Moreno Just as @J5lx said, I've been answering the "missing files" questions many times. A bit surprised that some of the people (not...

At the moment, publishing an app on Windows Store costs 19 USD, it's a one-time fee and no renewal charge. But for Mac Store, it costs 99 USD per year,...

@CandyFace I will do only the toolbar in v0.6.2, it's relatively easy.

@elfring I kinda get what you are saying about memory management. can you explain some more about the exception safety?

And as CandayFace said, Qt has its own memory management strategy. The ownership is specified by setting a **parent object**. A parent object owns child objects. For example, in the...

> > It's not necessary to delete these action objects `mClearSeparator`, `mClearAction` and `mEmptyAction` because their parent object is RecentFileMenu. > > I suggest to take another look at [these...

> > In Pencil2D or any Qt application, a resource handle is the parent object. > > How does this information fit to a statement [like “`uiOptionsBox = new Ui::ImportImageSeqOptions;`”](

If we can I would love to, but we can't. Those `UI::XXX` files are auto-generated by a Qt's codegen tool called `uic`. We won't be able to change the constructor...