Yeah I tried that and still got the same error. I ended up editing `` and renaming the duplicate channel to `ch_gene_bed_2` as a quick fix.
Sure thing! command: ``` nextflow run nf-core/atacseq \ -c nextflow.config \ --input samplesheet.csv \ --outdir directory \ --fasta 11.1.101.fa \ --gtf 11.1.101.gtf \ --macs_gsize 1576527533 \ --mito_name MT \ --save_reference...
Upon further investigation, it appears only one of the files in the channels is processed. This is because the input channels do not have the same lengths: A...
Where would brackets, braces and parentheses go? How about a "section" category in "punctuation", I like the way language-ruby handles those characters.
### 2021-02-01: This is now ready for review. To preview the changes brought by the PRs, follow this procedure: ```bash # Create a directory to host the PRs mkdir naming-conventions...
That would be nice, although covering every programming language would be tedious. I'm actually creating snippets to test the grammars listed above and I intend to include them in upcoming...
> My question here is; do you want to make a standard for all TextMate implementations, or is it okay if we take advantage of Atom's implementation? I'll clarify the...
> So after reading your post, I'm thinking the answer is yes (answer to "can we take advantage of Atom's [e.g. TreeSitter] implementation"). Is that okay / a correct assumption?...
> except that constant already has a meaning Different languages call similar things in different ways, [there's a lot of diversity]( The conventions just reach a consensus: tokens that are...
I wonder whether scoping a function as `immutable` is relevant, the `const` keyword doesn't seem to have any effect here. Also, the `mutable` keyword denotes that the function can modify...