when I use VSCode to debug programs, It will show dyld[85569]: Library not loaded: @rpath/Python3.framework/Versions/3.8/Python3
Hi When I use `cargo build` to generate executable, then I use `otool -l “executable-path”`, It will show LC_LOAD_DYLIB command about python. ``` Load command 13 cmd LC_LOAD_DYLIB cmdsize 104...
Hi, When I use Xcode to build, It will generate xcactivitylog. But When I use xcodebuild cli, For example ``` xcodebuild -workspace xx.xcworkspace -scheme xx -sdk iphoneos -showBuildTimingSummary -resultBundlePath ./a/a...
Hello maintainers, I'm submitting this pull request to address an issue that occurs when my storyboard is set as the startup screen and I utilize signed acceleration. In this scenario,...