XCLogParser copied to clipboard
Invalid xcactivitylog file
Hi, When I use Xcode to build, It will generate xcactivitylog. But When I use xcodebuild cli, For example
xcodebuild -workspace xx.xcworkspace -scheme xx -sdk iphoneos -showBuildTimingSummary -resultBundlePath ./a/a -derivedDataPath ./a clean build
it will generate two xcactivitylog, One is a clean job log, and one is a build job log. But the build job log is not a valid gzip. I have to wait one day, but nothing changes.
So, Is it possible to crash in generate xcactivitylog?
Similar to myself however for me it depends on the size of the project.
If I create a new xcode project, xcodebuild
If I use it on an existing large xcode project, I receive .xcactivitylog is not a valid xcactivitylog file
Even after waiting an hour and running xclogparser
, I get the same error.
This is my command:
xcodebuild \
-workspace XXX.xcworkspace \
-scheme XXX \
-destination generic/platform=iOS \
-resultBundlePath ~/Desktop/BuildTimeReports/BuildLogs/Result.xcresult \
clean build-for-testing \
OTHER_SWIFT_FLAGS="-Xfrontend -debug-time-function-bodies -Xfrontend -debug-time-expression-type-checking"
When I run gzip -t XXX.xcactivitylog
, it fails to pass validation. I believe this is a problem with xcodebuild
, not with xclogparser
Yes, I found if I use hmap replace header search path, it can generate .xcactivitylog correctly. So I think it may be an argument to long
error in xcodebuild. But I don't know how to create issue to xcodebuild.
Yes, I found if I use hmap replace header search path, it can generate .xcactivitylog correctly. So I think it may be an
argument to long
error in xcodebuild. But I don't know how to create issue to xcodebuild.
Thanks for responding, could you give a bit more information on what "hmap replace header search path" is?
I've switched to using Xcode directly to build instead of xcodebuild
and that works. I do need to wait a few seconds after the build is finished before running xclogparser.
me too. I think is xcodebuild bug, but I don't know how to submit bug to xcodebuid
It looks like xcodebuild
bug. It finishes execution before .xcactivitylog
file is fully created. I was able to work around this behavior by using clean build clean
instead of clean build
so one additional clean is happening after build and buy us some time.
The other thing is that xcodebuild
produces colored output that can't be properly parsed because of strings like:
"\u{1B}[1mCompileSwift\u{1B}[0m normal x86_64 /Users...
case Prefix("CompileSwift "):
return .swiftCompilation
options for `xcodebuild.
I had this problem as well, and I "fixed" it by adding sleep 2
to the script that runs xclogparser.
I'm seeing the same problem as well using Xcode Version 13.2.1 (13C100).
with incremental builds is fine. But clean builds didn't work at all.
any updates?
Just adding as a user of XCMetrics (which relies on this project), I too am running into problems where the underlying xcactivitylog
is (for some reason) invalid on a medium sized project. Works fine via Xcode, but problematic via xcodebuild.
Open to any workarounds or fixes to this. Xcode 14.1.
As written above, this seems to be because Xcode closes the file handler or similar way too early without letting the file writer flush the contents of the file completely to disk. This should be a bug report to Xcode, and you can workaround it as described above by adding a sleep or running another action (such as a clean
action) after your build.
such as a
Feels extremely janky, but this has worked for us. Though this exasperate an issue on XCMetrics where clean builds are pushing up their logs.
We've faced the same issue by using fastlane's gym
command. In our case by disabling analyze_build_time
option ( = false
) generated xcactivitylog file seems correct.