Simon Charette

Results 100 comments of Simon Charette

@holvianssi do you still have access to this repository or to the pypi credentials atleast? I'd like to maintain it if you don't have time anymore.

Could you grant me _write_ rights to the repo so I can maintain it? If you found the Pypi credentials you should be able to give me _Maintainer_ rights from...

Alright I'll push updates and adjust tests for Django up to 1.11. Keep me updated with the Pypi credentials.

@holvianssi yeah I'm following it with a lot of interest! Thanks for the heads up.

@holvianssi did you retrieve your pypi credentials by any chance? I'm planning to use `filtered_relation()` but in the mean time I have to port an application to 1.8 to 1.11...

FWIW I've uploaded a temporary version compatible with up to Django 1.11 on pypi.

Hi @giorg, I'm not sure I understand your request. You'd like to store the data as `rgb(1,2,3)`?

I think it would require some work but It could be possible. If you're interested on working a patch that adds a `kwarg` to `RGBColorFIeld` to opt-in this feature I'd...

@smarlowucf a patch is welcome but I believe the requested feature was to make the `RGBColor` database field return a tri-truple instead of a string.

I guess both a display helper and list filter could be added. While I find time to work on this you can use the following snippet. ``` python def display_color(obj):...