I want to know how to project the vertices (in ply file) to the image, so that they look match. I try to use a camera matrix found in [Face-Pose-Net](
The original author may remove the last coefficients. The previous vectors are principal components.
So sorry! Possible reason: 1) The mesh is not in the image region. 2) The Face upside down. (check the z-axis orientation ) If you want to get the 2d...
For rendering, you can use my [SimRender]( or the implementations of others. For face_projection, you can see the code. But you should well know his perspective projection process.
> the result only has the right side. You should give the target x,y,z(the result of projection). The renderer only focus on rendering.
RGB channels are enough. When rendering a 3D model, you can get a mask channel (like the z-buffer), this can be seen as the alpha channel.
I'm not going to do that right now. (I just had a try but not finshed all the training process). The R-net based on 3DMM which is easy to train....