Chahan M. Kropf
Chahan M. Kropf
I got the error below after executing `repostat ./git_repo ./gitstat_output` , is there a simple solution? Thank! ``` File "/Users/ck/opt/anaconda3/envs/git_stats/lib/python3.9/site-packages/analysis/", line 52, in main report.create(output_path) File "/Users/ck/opt/anaconda3/envs/git_stats/lib/python3.9/site-packages/report/", line 140, in...
This is an idea/suggestion for current and future development. It would be very helpful that the basic methods `sample` and `analyze` always return data of the same type with a...
The elevation package can create problems on Windows machine because the command 'mkdir -p' does not work. It should be replaced by 'mkdir'. Recursivity (flag p) is natively included in...
It could be nice to have the possibility to also have the codes of historical countries as an option? This would comes in handy if one works on a project...