cyrille henry
cyrille henry
if you change line 443 of i2c.cpp from : GPIO_InitStruct.Alternate = GPIO_AF4_I2C4; to GPIO_InitStruct.Alternate = GPIO_AF6_I2C4; then both i2c work on advertised pin
Hello, @GregBurns : > I just pushed the update to replace the box-car averaging with an exponential moving average. I did some modelling with a small C program and excel...
I can confirm that. I suspect the problem is that the "full brightness" bit is used only on next PWM cycle. Th content of on and off are still used...
btw, it should be if(rawBrightness > 0x0FFF), since it's it should work correctly with rawBrightness = 0x0FFF...
@TheSlowGrowth : I don't understand the problem : if "rawBrightness" is >= 0x1000, then the full on bit will be set, and the led will be on forever. rawBrightness is...
@stephenhensley > This doesn't really explain it because it stays less bright then, say, the next value in the gamma corrected brightness. I don't understand what you say. anyway, I...
since we are discussion about this driver, I know it's not related, but I also made an other modification to this file : I change the initialisation part to this...
thanks for looking at this problem. This the the isf file i'm working on. (sorry, it's not finished, so not very clean) it's a physical model of a 1d membrane...
Thanks for the clarification. I was mistaken because I did not get any error, and it was working elsewere... Thanks also for the commit, it will prevent other not to...
This follow a discussion in the pd list where I noticed that pix_texture is detached from the gemchain before the end of the gemchain if triggers are involved. I use...