Results 7 issues of CM

When running `sudo make DIST=testing REPO=Debian RPI=2` with checked out, the following lines of the `postinstall` script fail: Specifically line 67 `apt-key --keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/${i%.*}.gpg add ${i}` is running...

I created a script to convert a csv file from an Android time tracking application into Watson frames. When doing this Watson does not recognise matching frames with the same...

Running `cargo test` from root directory results in the following error: output ``` warning: profiles for the non root package will be ignored, specify profiles at the workspace root: package:...

Seems a similar problem to #34 When I run `git submodule update --init -depth 1` I get the following error: ``` Submodule 'otp' ( registered for path 'otp' Cloning into...

Issue for refactoring


Running 2to3 over the code I only found 2 lines of code which needed to be refactored to make the codebase python 3 compatible (see Is there something more...

I'm interested in this project, however I am unsure what the high level plan is. I am assuming rusix will implement Ceph's [RADOS]( It would be good to have some...