Chas Emerick

Results 112 comments of Chas Emerick

@jeluard I haven't repro'd yet, but would look at a pull request if it were offered.

I can't point at a sample project, haven't seen the problem myself (though I only just saw this issue 10 minutes ago and I generally don't use `trampoline`). That said,...

Looking at this, it's not clear to me why cljsbuild isn't on the classpath (along with e.g. everything else I have in `:dev` that _is_ on the classpath) when attempting...

Looking back at this, I've since developed and deployed an application to heroku that uses cljsbuild without trampoline, with no problems. That's strictly FWIW, just by way of saying I've...

Sounds fine, although `:notify-command` is already the "build stopped" hook, yes?

@mcohen01 thank you for the kind words. I'm very glad that we were able to help you along in building great things 😁

It looks like copy/paste/clear commands have been in the plugin from the start, just not mapped for non-Mac platforms. I added this to my keymap, and now this is a...

Yes, just upgraded to 22.04, and this change/regression is incredibly painful. Would love to know of an alternative to use until this is resolved, though I haven't found one after...

A workaround is to use the `CreatePlayer` function, which will blow away the identified element, but you don't get an `asciinema-player` element with its attendant event support, etc. I tried...