Chas Emerick

Results 112 comments of Chas Emerick

Trimming the scope of 0.5.0 so as to cut a release addressing pressing issues. Will circle back later.

If a `.cljs` resource is available for a given namespace, then it will be given preference over a `.cljx` resource. So, yes, this is expected behaviour. Maybe it _shouldn't_ be...

Trimming the scope of 0.5.0 so as to cut a release addressing pressing issues. Will circle back later.

Trimming the scope of 0.5.0 so as to cut a release addressing pressing issues. Will circle back later.

Confirmed. Example interaction using 2.5.1: ``` user=> #+clj 5 RuntimeException No reader function for tag +clj clojure.lang.LispReader$CtorReader.readTagged ( ``` Same version of repl-y and nREPL as in leiningen 2.5.0, which...

My "solution" to #47 was to only add cljx as a dependency when the REPL was being run. This worked before because `:included-profiles` in project metadata included a `:repl` profile...

This has nothing to do with selectors: Leiningen determines which namespaces to test before it "preps" a project, and that namespace-scanning process only looks at `.clj` files. Given advice that...

A fix for this will require patching Leiningen. This looks like a small change, probably perfect for anyone looking to contribute back. See technomancy/leiningen#1782

(2) is the most obvious first step; a patch to implement that should be pretty straightforward, a good first contribution from anyone interested. ;-) Nothing in the "stack" cljx is...

If you're using nREPL, then I strongly suggest using the cljx middleware (see the README). As long as your nREPL client (nrepl.el?) is sending the filename as it should for...