Chris Edelmaier
Chris Edelmaier
I'm attempting to install MemSurfer via the online instructions, and wound up with a problem when I attempt to actually run the installation script. I installed CGAL via homebrew, however,...
In adding the ellipsoidal/spheroidal bodies, I disabled the ability for them to check a collision with the periphery. We should go back and re-enable this (or make it configurable). In...
Currently we use a bunch of hacks and workarounds for Eigen serialization via msgpack. We should really combine everything in `eigen_matrix_plugin.h` and `eigen_quaternion_plugin.h` into `serialization.hpp` to be consistent. We should...
Right now we displace fibers some small distance from the periphery to prevent collisions, but is this done in a systematic way? Check the different periphery initialization routines for this,...