Pier CeccoPierangioliEugenio

Results 35 comments of Pier CeccoPierangioliEugenio

I admit that the **menubar** widget require a major rework, in the meantime; ### Idea 1 The **addMenu** function return the "**Button**" object you can use in your "**menu_pressed**" function...

hi, is this issue related to pyTermTk? if you need some help I already overcome this issue with pyodide using a proxy. (i.e. [Sandbox](https://ceccopierangiolieugenio.github.io/pyTermTk/sandbox/sandbox.html)) or you can use the pyTermTk...

I tried your input routine using pygbag but I cannot get any keypresses from stdin how is the stdin/out handled? I amprinting in the stdout a vt100 ansi sequence, is...

what you mean about without too much OOP? The entire pyTermTk design and structure is based on OOP My library is already compatible with pyodide that is a Wasm impllementation...

Are you able to provide me an interface with those input/output stream I can test? The stdin/out used in Linux/Windows/Pyodide are different, for this reason I had to create a...

Are you able to provide me some instructions I can use to try my library on your framework? If I can detect that I am running on your environment I...

no, because it already runs flawlessly on linux and I don't want to change the core routine. but if I can detect that I am running on wasm I can...

I noticed that when I was working on pyodide the os type was emscriptem is it the same for you?