Pier CeccoPierangioliEugenio

Results 35 comments of Pier CeccoPierangioliEugenio

it is ok, as long I can detect it I can make the driver because the input routine won't be the only one that is going to change, there are...

I made a simple python script I wanted to try: ```python import platform def main(): print("Eugenio") print(f"Platform {platform.system()=}") if __name__ == "__main__": main() ``` if I try to run it...

yes, now it works, the network I was using is not very stable. Thanks. I will check this soon, I've a busy WE

eh... I always procrastinated the implementation of a proper datatable, It is going to take a lot of time and effort but I think it is time to start working...

you can just connect the **closed** signal to the **quit** slot ```python from TermTk import TTk, TTkWindow root = TTk() win = TTkWindow(parent=root, pos=(0,0), size=(40,20)) win.closed.connect(root.quit) root.mainloop() ```

About: ```python TTk().quit() ``` You are creating new root object so you are not quitting the one active. Use this instead: ```python TTkHelper.quit() ``` ```python class MyCheckLicense(TTkWindow): def __init__(self, root):...

Did you had a look at my example here? https://github.com/ceccopierangiolieugenio/pyTermTk/issues/213#issuecomment-1887567958 If you use the TTkTimer you should not worry about cleaning the thread

@jerch I managed to reproduce the issue just pushing this string to the terminal as reported in the description: `'\x1B[1;4;31mxterm.js test\x1B[0m'` Is it there a way to enable some debug...

New test where I used for testing: ```html var term = new Terminal({ logLevel: 'debug', allowProposedApi: true}); term.open(document.getElementById('terminal')); term.write(' # CSI Ps m Character Attributes (SGR).\n\r') term.write('Hello from \x1B[1;0;31mxterm.js test\x1B[0m...

Thanks @jerch it is exactly the issue reported in: https://stackoverflow.com/a/1462039/12548337 I fixed it adding in the header: ```html ``` The issue was caused by the encoding of the '\xa0' in:...