Carsten Brandt

Results 375 comments of Carsten Brandt

Hard to say how to figure it out from the context. In my case it looked like this (used in a filename): ```php $dateTime = (new \DateTime())->format('YmdHis'); $exportFilename = $this->csvFilePrefix...

There is no fix for the case that needs to be reported. The problem is that if someone passes a variable from user input to `findOne()` the user might be...

@dregad as a workaround you can always put the link into `` which should render it correctly. For fixing the detection of the URL using balanced parenthesis you can use...

the warning is about `ParsedownExtraTest` not `ParsedownExtra`, so the change is not related to the warning message.

@daftspunk this has nothing to do with `Parsedown` or `ParsedownExtra` class. To fix this, namespaces of the classes in `tests/` directory could be adjusted to use another autoloading strategy, e.g....

@erusev if you enter `` followed by a new line, this also happens on the website: ``` Fatal error: Call to a member function getAttribute() on a non-object in /var/www/

This seems to be related to your environment. The following markdown parses just fine: ``` markdown ![alt](64esabbase64eyppbWc6Y3JvcEZpdCg1MDAsMjYwKTpzaXplcygnKG1heC13aWR0aDogNzY4cHgpIDI1dncnLCAnKG1pbi13aWR0aDogMTAwMHB4KSAyMjVweCcsICcxNjBweCcpOnNyY1NldCgnMTIwLDAnLCAnMTg1LDAnLCAnMjI1LDAnKTpsaWdodGJveChyb3V0ZS01MTUpKn0=64esabbase64/img/diversen/klantfotos/2014-klantenfotos/facebook-overig/brandenburg-sabine-horseshoe-bend.JPG 'Page, Horseshoe Bend foto Sabine Brandenburg') ``` You can try it on the...

can you give more info about your environment, OS, PHP version, apache version, etc...

> to get the unit tests to work i deleted the entire vendor dir, composer.lock and did composer update --prefer-source since 2.0.11 is now released, a simple composer update should...

If I understand your request correctly you could already do that, like this: ```yaml paths: '/path1': get: '$ref': 'operations/path1-get.yaml' post: '$ref': 'operations/path1-post.yaml' # .... ``` **edit:** the above example would...