Corentin Dupont

Results 30 issues of Corentin Dupont

I'm trying to follow the README file, but this instruction is not clear: ```bash mosquitto_pub -h localhost -p 8883 -V mqttv311 \ --cafile "resources/hummingbird_ca.crt" \ --cert "resources/mqtt-default.crt" \ --key "resources/mqtt-default.key"...

I try to run hummingbird for the first time: ``` $ sudo hummingbird broker [2019-01-28 10:54:53 CET : hummingbird : INFO] Started hummingbird MQTT message broker. [2019-01-28 10:54:53 CET :...

Hello, I just installed the Debian distribution on my Ubuntu 16.04: ``` sudo dpkg -i hummingbird_0.8.1.0-1_amd64.deb sudo cp /usr/share/hummingbird/resources/principals/mqtt-default.yml /etc/hummingbird/principals/ sudo hummingbird pwhash ``` But nothing happens next. It hangs...

Hello, I would like to run a MQTT server with my own callbacks. Is it possible with Hummingbird/haskell-mqtt? Thanks

Hello, are there some simple examples on how to instantiate a broker (apart from Hummingbird which is a bit big)? Thanks

Hello, do you think Arduino-Makefile can run in a docker container? If yes, is it possible to add a Dockerfile to this repo? This Dockerfile would build the environment necessary...

I see Arduino-Makefile uses "screen" for the monitor. However, it's not very well know for many users... Why not using a simple "cat"? I use this: ``` monitor: stty -F...

After we put something in "service tree", it's impossible to void it. Message "Please fill all fields"

Hello, I have some CBOR data. Here it is in HEX format: ``` 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 ``` I'm trying to do the round trip, however the resulting size is very different: Before...

I am using V0.8.0. I am following the README file example, but some commands are wrong: ``` $ docker app build . -f hello.dockerapp -t cdupont2/hello:0.1.0 unknown shorthand flag: 'f'...