Corentin Dupont

Results 31 comments of Corentin Dupont


I also need a way to look up a Node's context in a graph, using its label... So I thought that NodeMap might help. I was thinking: 1. find the...

I'm having this problem. Issuing POST requests with Swagger-ui (button "Try it out!") fails with: ``` Request URL: Request Method: OPTIONS Status Code: HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request Cross-Origin Request...

Hi @domenkozar , no, what I meant is to perform a request to the "iss" (Issuer address) to get the JWKSet. This JWKSet can then be used to verify the...

Yes, it's correct. Is it a problem to swap "macro substitution" and "url-decoding" in Orion (start with url-decoding)? I think it would be more correct/homogeneous because either we encode all...

So if I understand, both the *payload field* and the *attributes content* can be url-encoded? In this case, I think that curl_unescape should be applied to both separately. - upon...